Sturisoma sp. eggs in caves.

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P.C. Hasselgreen
Posts: 8
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Sturisoma sp. eggs in caves.

Post by P.C. Hasselgreen »

My Sturisoma have been laying their eggs in caves lately. I have gotten used to them laying them on the the window panes and it really annoys me that they are hiding them now that I borrowed a cool camera to document the embryo development.
Does anyone have the same experience and please, anybody, how do I get them to read the litterature that tells them they are doing it in the wrong place?
They are totally unphotogenic!!! x(
P.C. Hasselgreen
Posts: 8
Joined: 28 May 2014, 14:18
My cats species list: 1 (i:0, k:0)
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Location 1: Oslo, Norway
Location 2: Oslo, Norway
Interests: Breeding.
Fish too.

Re: Sturisoma sp. eggs in caves.

Post by P.C. Hasselgreen »

BTW My tank has approx 40 Corydoras sterbai, 10 C. duplicareus and 2 pairs of Sturisoma, possibly 1 pair each of S. panamense and S. aureum.
All breeding regurarly.
The tank is slightly more than 1000 liters, has five fake, hollow rocks(In which the Sturisoma spawn) and only ca 20% of the bottom surface is planted(Reaching 35% of the surface), and maybe 3% covered in small rocks.
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