Got to respect them goldfish sometimes...

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Viktor Jarikov
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Got to respect them goldfish sometimes...

Post by Viktor Jarikov » ... ZRwUIbK.97

A story circulating in Japan involves what has been described as a “miracle goldfish,” because the tiny fish was tossed into an aquarium display tank seven years ago, as food for larger fish, but ended up hiding in a filtration tank and went unnoticed until recently.

When the goldfish was finally discovered, during a recent cleaning of the 10-foot-by-16-foot filtration tank, it measured a whopping 10 inches and appeared to be healthy and robust, despite its pale coloration as a result of living mostly in the dark.


The goldfish was among many intended to become fodder for the voracious arapaima...

According to the English-language Rocket News, the tiny goldfish somehow managed to swim through a pipe measuring 1 centimeter in diameter.

That led to the filtration tank, and once safely inside the lonely goldfish fed on scraps of food in water that was pumped in from the main tank.

Because no fish are supposed to be in the filtration tank, aquarium staff never looked closely for living critters during the monthly cleaning of the unit.

But apparently, the goldfish, despite living in the dark, finally became too large to go unnoticed. It was discovered in late April, and has now regained some of its color...
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Re: Got to respect them goldfish sometimes...

Post by Jools »

I have, somewhere, a newspaper clipping of a goldfish that was taken from a pond by a bird then dropped down the chimney of a house and rushed to a bowl of water. Pretty sure it's genuine.

They are tough!

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Re: Got to respect them goldfish sometimes...

Post by naturalart »

Great story Victor. I know Koi are only 'cousins' of goldfish, but some of these fish have been recorded to live to @300yrs.
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Re: Got to respect them goldfish sometimes...

Post by Richard B »

In the store where I worked many many moons ago, we had cause to clean out the filtration system on the very well established centralised coldwater room. There were all sorts in there & they were some of the best of their respective species - all in perfect health
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Re: Got to respect them goldfish sometimes...

Post by Psy »

I've had convicts and swordtails end up in a sump. They grow pretty well considering the wetdry should remove most food from the water.

They do appear pretty pale. I wonder if the loss of color in some species while in captivity is due to a lack of light.
Viktor Jarikov
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Re: Got to respect them goldfish sometimes...

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

I've had a tiretrack eel, ~10", live in an AquaClear 110 HOB for over 6 months. Having looked all over for it, I had thought it escaped into a sump pump well in the basement.
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