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Post by stibolt »

Well, nothing about catfish this time. I just thought that this is the season to be jolly..falala-la-la-laaaa...

I´ve just bought the biggest christmas tree, I could chop down myself. My cats and my Oscar are very interested. . but it doesn´t seem to interest my catfishes. However my Corys are cleaning the aquarium for the holidays.

Merry christmas everybody!
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Post by Fiskars the Whiskers »

Have you gotten your cat, Oscar, and Cories any nice Christmas presents? My cat gets a Christmas can of kitty food (turkey banquet this year - yum!), my rats get extra stuff to nibble on, and all of the fish get new sinking wafers! :D
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Merry Christmas!!!

Post by spiny »

Christmas is here! Today, at winter-solstice, we received our snow, after a storm lasting all night! Now the sun is shining, and the snow is whirwling around!
I had a beer to celebrate the jol (later christmas) of my viking forfathers, that "drank jol" at wintersolstice! We still use the old jol/jul word as the norwegian/swedish word for christmas. :cheers:
Here an article from CNN today, about the christmas and Scandinavia: ... index.html

Today the sun is as far south of equator as it will be, and from now on our days will be lighter!
After weeks of darkness and cloudy weather, the sun reached one of my tanks today, 8) and the effect on the fishes were amazing; my Rainbowfishes (boesemani) began showing their colours and competing!

The tanks are cleaned, plants are planted, and new treeroots are positioned to look as it was in a rainforest, and not in my livingroom. The fishes get their fare share of food, before I go up north for christmas, and they will have to eat less... it is funny too see my adolfoi corys chasing mosquitolarvae, that mooves rapidly in the current... those cats are really forming dense scools!

Now I will eat like a bear (my name is Bjørn=bear), and actually the swedish butcher where I did some shopping yesterday, looked rather shocked when I asked for this pig-skin and fat (svor) that we fry for christmas! Norwegians actually eat even worse/stranger stuff than the scots (Haggis and things), and the nice thing is that all this dried meat and traditional food tastes great!

The birds outside in our garden/forest will be happy too; we gave them food on different locations and bushes this morning, because of the snow.

I wish everyone, fishes and people, a merry, merry christmas! :D
Bjorn H S

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Post by Taratron »

How odd is this.....

I was out doing last minute shopping this past Friday. Getting a DVD here, a new shirt there, etc. And end up buying my male bristlenose pleco yet another cave. Because he didn't like his PVC one. And because, even with two hunks of driftwood in his tank, goshdarnit, he needs another cave! :D

He is my only fish that has ever received his very own present that wasn't food.
But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I will be unique in all the world..... You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.
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Post by stibolt »

Well. . I´ve bought some assorted, delicious food for my fishes. My cats have got a christmas tree - Our christmas tree - They´re so fond of it so it´s like their present. Right now they´re both lying under it.. :lol:
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Post by stibolt »

- And yep, the christmas in the North still reminds very much of the old "Jul", when the vikings celebrated the shortest day of the year (the 21th).

I love christmas!!! Peace on earth and all that.
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