L 129 Yannick62

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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L 129 Yannick62

Post by yannick62 »

I try to breed L129 without succed.
I have 5 fishs and they have 2 years and 3 months.
They are in a 53 gallons (200 liters) with an internal filter with exhausteur (In french i don't know the english word).
Exhausteur is a system where it's air (little bubbles) which push the water outdoor the internal filter. Therefore the oxygen level is very hight.
Temperature between 77 - 80 F (25-26°C)

I don't know the sex of this fish.
Is it possible to help me ?
(Because if I have not male and female, it's will be difficult :)) :)) ).

fish 1 et 2 :




fish 3 et 4 :



Poisson 5 :


Tall : (First nomber body tall , second number is the tall with total longht with the tail)

Body and Total
6 cm and 7.5 i think male
5.2 cm and 6.5 i think female
6.5 cm and 8 i think male
6.5 cm and 7 i think female
6.5 cm and 7.5 i think male

If they have bristle near the gills, it is necessarily a male ?
Female can have little bristle near gills ?
2years and 3 months is it too young for breeding ?

Thank you for your help.

Yannick Mesnage
France (North near Lille)
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Re: L 129 Yannick62

Post by jp11biod »

I think your photos show 3 M and 2 F. My 129 breed pretty easily. Give them good food, clean and good water current. weekly water changes, and lots of hiding spots and small caves. Mine get Xtreme Catfish Scrapers and Repashy Meat Pie.
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