What are my new cories???

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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What are my new cories???

Post by Fiskars the Whiskers »

Tonight I bought some mystery cories from my lfs. They were labled as "Cories" on the tank and I've never seen any like them (which I why I had to have them :) ), so now I'm wondering if anyone could help me figure out maybe what they are? I took a look in the Catalog at some of the C-numbers and some of them look similar. They look almost like Schwartziis, but are shiny opalescent like the Aenuses but with spots. One of them looks almost exactly like the other two, but he has a black dorsal fin and a dark black stripe over his eyes. I took these pictures. They're pretty blurry, but they might help.

Here is the first one with the dark fin and the dark stripe over his eyes.

Here are the other two. Very blurry, but very shiny, spotty little fish.

Do they look familiar to anyone?
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Post by kwalker »


we really need a closer shot of the fish. Ian will then be able to give you a more positive id then.

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Post by Coryman »

From what I can see the top one looks like C. leucomelas and the lower possibly C. ambiacus

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Post by Fiskars the Whiskers »

Yay! I think the top one definitely looks like C. leucomelas. The two bottom ones don't have any sort of a black spot on their dorsal fin. I will try to take some better pictures later tonight.
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Post by Fiskars the Whiskers »

More pictures are here! Hopefully better ones, too.

This pic is a little better than the first one.

See, he almost has a little stripe over his eye, but it's very faint. Like a little bit darker grey. They sure are cute little buggers, though. The guy at the lfs said they were just shipped to him by his supplier. I hope they ship more to him because now I want a couple more. :)

Know what? After comparing the pictures of the leucomelas and the ambiacus, I think that I might actually have the C. Ambiacus. The spot patterns of the leucomelas seem like random spottiness, while the ambiacus' spots seem more in horizontal lines, which is what my one fish has.
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Post by Fiskars the Whiskers »

What the heck!!! Okay, since I didn't make a webpage at Angelfire and only used it to host my photos they cancelled my account. Poop! And I have good picturse, too! I will find another way.
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Post by benny »

Try using imagestation or instantlogic. They are free and allow hot linking.

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Post by Fiskars the Whiskers »

Alrighty, let's try this again:



I noticed another thing. My C. Ambiacus (if that's what she really is) has bronze opalescent cheeks, while the other two have blue opalescent cheeks. And I noticed the other mystery ones have the faint stripe over their eye, but they also have a little darker grey shoulder/forehead area.
Last edited by Fiskars the Whiskers on 15 Dec 2003, 18:18, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by clothahump »

benny wrote:Try using imagestation or instantlogic. They are free and allow hot linking.

Or Corydoras World Benny. :wink:
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Post by Fiskars the Whiskers »

Y'know, maybe I do have a C. Leucomelas. I am a big dork and was looking at the wrong fish and her spots are kinda random. But I still don't know what the other fish are! C'mon and guess, people! :D
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Post by Coryman »

The other species looks closer to C. ornatus or C. incolicana looking at the new inages, but it is still hard to be sertain.

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Post by Fiskars the Whiskers »

Thank you, Ian! In comparing the fish, they really look like the C. Ornatus. Yay! I'm so glad to know what they are now! :D
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Post by Elle »

I just noticed something- In those last two pics- I have some catfish like that, too! I think the store called them "Dwarf cories". If that helps any. Probably not...

-Elle tup
Fear Da Elle!
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