Spawning of LDA-81

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Spawning of LDA-81


I received some specimens of a "Leopard Frog" variant from the Para Tributary, but they were not the L-134. We have researched various sources and have determined they are now listed as LDA-81.
I am happy to announce I have spawned this new fish.
Yes, I will try to get some pics posted soon.
For what I am being told by many "experts" this may be the first time in captivity....can anyone else help to verify this for me?
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Re: Spawning of LDA-81

Post by Jools »

I'm not aware of LDA081 being spawned in captivity however it's not a well defined name. Maybe best to post some pics?

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Re: Spawning of LDA-81

Post by Borbi »


Sorry to disappoint you, but LDA81 has been spawned for years in Germany (over several generations).
Still, no small achievement, so congrats!

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Re: Spawning of LDA-81

Post by Jools »


Are there any pics of the adults of this species by a friendly source? As it is an LDA number it is a hard thing to find quality images of and I don't think we've got it here.


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Re: Spawning of LDA-81

Post by Borbi »


Unfortunately the server is down right now and my literature is still in storage in Germany, so I have to work from memory.
But I *think* there are some rather good pictures of LDA-81 under the trade name Peckoltia sp. "Manaus" available (and as soon as works again I can check who took those pictures)..

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Re: Spawning of LDA-81

Post by Jools »

Thanks Sandor,

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Re: Spawning of LDA-81

Post by Borbi »


There are a few pictures of young fish taken by Karsten S.
He is probably willing to also provide them for PCF..

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Re: Spawning of LDA-81


You all realize I posted this 8 years ago? If they were indeed spawned "for years in Germany (over several generations)" that's great. But what year? My fish spawned in 2007.
At the time of posting this (8 years ago) there was absolutely no mention of the fish being spawned in captivity. I even inquired here on this site at that time.
Regardless, those fish have been gone from my tanks for over 5 years. I gave them to another member of my fish club and he spawned them successfully.
After that, I have no idea what became of the group or the numerous fry that I gave away to people.
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