What's the funniest action you ever seen in your fish tanks?
I'll get the ball rolling: One of the funniest things I have seen is the ongoing battle between a viscious baby terrapin and a mild-mannered 6" common pleco in my 180 gallon tank. (I've been trying to get rid of the terapin since it was given to me about six months ago--any one in London, UK interested?)
The terrapin is, without a doubt, the protagonist. He starts by creeping up on the pleco and trying to nip a chunk out of one of the pleco's pectoral fins. Most attacks fail at the last moment. Sometimes, however, the terrapin connects.
The pleco responds by jamming a fin under the terrapin and hurling him a couple of inches. Sometimes he repeats this several times, knocking the terrapin round and round in circles.
Once the pleco feels that he's got his message across, he will return to the glass for a rest. This is when the terrapin comes back for more. This time, rather than nip fins, he simply walks clumsily, claws out, all over the pleco until the pleco decides he's had enough.
The pleco's ultimate revenge? Picture, if you will, a 6" common pleco hovering mid-tank for a minute-and-a-half. Now picture a terrapin swimming frantically but getting nowhere. Now marry those two images, slowly rotating the terrapin until it's head first disappears under its carapace, and then that disappears under the pleco's lips.
Any one else with fishy anecdotes to liven up this miserable winter's evening?