Change species, keep data - not allowing updates

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Change species, keep data - not allowing updates

Post by dpm1 »

Receiving the following when trying to update 'my fish' listing

...I know, I know...why didn't I get it right in the first place?
Well in my defence it is Otocinclus vittatus > macrospilus so not exactly a major error, nor however is it an easily noticeable one when trying to id small tree huggers in planted tanks. (Actually I stumbled across an old but clear pic and decided to double check :d )

But anyway I was thwarted as I can't change it anyway... :((

General Error
Illegal use of $_GET. You must use the request class or request_var() to access input data. Found in /home/webcat/ on line 96. This error message was generated by deactivated_super_global.
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Re: Change species, keep data - not allowing updates

Post by MatsP »

I'm looking at this - should be relatively easy to fix, I think (I have already fixed the exact one that was in your post, but then immediately tripped over another of the same kind, so good thing I tested locally before sending a fix to Jools...)

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Re: Change species, keep data - not allowing updates

Post by Jools »

Thanks Mats, I'm heading over to Denmark this weekend, so it won't be until Monday before I can put any fixes you've submitted into the wild.


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Re: Change species, keep data - not allowing updates

Post by MatsP »

Not getting any errors from PHP any longer, but unfortunately not working either.

Will spend some time on this over the weeken

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Re: Change species, keep data - not allowing updates

Post by Jools »

Hi Mats,

I hope you had a nice weekend and that the slightly alarming missing "d." from your last post doesn't mean anything bad! :-)

Anyway, are you still looking at this or shall I pick it up?


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Re: Change species, keep data - not allowing updates

Post by MatsP »

My typing isn't getting any better, is it... :)

I will have another look at it - I think it's related to the old "lets name these URL-variables differently between phases" that we have in some of the admin pages.

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Re: Change species, keep data - not allowing updates

Post by Jools »


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Re: Change species, keep data - not allowing updates

Post by Jools »

This should now be fixed. Can you try it out and see if you can fix your Oto Id?

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