Looking for pseudohemiodon apithanos

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Looking for pseudohemiodon apithanos

Post by fishlover424 »

Recently, I have been looking all over the web for pseudohemiodon apithanos. I really want to acquire this species as soon as possible. I am willing to purchase wild apithanos but I prefer tank-bred ones because of their possibly lower price and greater tank hardiness. For anybody who has successfully bred these plecos in captivity and doesn't know what to do with them or for those who know where I can get them for a relatively low price, please reply!

Please be aware, my budgets are unfortunately limited and I am looking for the cheapest fish available.

Thank you for all your help!
Last edited by fishlover424 on 19 Jan 2015, 05:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking for pseudohemiodon apithanos

Post by Andrewjw »

I have a group I am working with.....I'll put you on the list for fry (if and when I am so lucky)...
However, i can't say i would be super interested in letting them go for the "cheapest" price! LOL
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Re: Looking for pseudohemiodon apithanos

Post by fishlover424 »

Thanks Andrewjw!
I can't wait to see some of your fry. But don't overdo it with the money ;)
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Re: Looking for pseudohemiodon apithanos

Post by nvcichlids »

These fish aren't for people on a budget. Wild caught fish tend to run $70+ per fish last i encountered them. Tank bred fish will probably demand similar prices as they will be more stable than a wild caught fish.
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Re: Looking for pseudohemiodon apithanos

Post by Taratron »

I hate to say it, but any time I hear the words 'on a budget' or 'cheapest fish possible' when in regards to even my common cichlids or blue-eyed ancistrus, I automatically jack the price up.
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Re: Looking for pseudohemiodon apithanos

Post by fishlover424 »

I emailed the Shark Aquarium shop in NJ and they said that it would be hard to obtain the fish, but possible. I also heard of a Bronx store named Zoorama having them back in 2010. They never replied to my Emails so I'll try to call them. I hope it'll be easier finding some chameleon whiptails for sale online in a couple of months. It's probably quite normal for many fish to be hard to obtain during the winter months.
Also, does anybody know where these fish are collected in South America? Some sites say their endemic to Ecuador and others say they can be found in parts of Peru and the upper Amazon. The reason for me asking for this information is to try to mimic their environment and possible tank companions as closely as possible to avoid stress. I heard many people lose them right after receiving them.

As always, thank you for your help and I'm counting on some helpful replies! :-BD
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