Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
Looks just like the pair (hopefully) that I picked up last Wednesday. They weren't labelled as henriquei, but that's what I came up with after checking the Cat-e-log, and Siedel and Evers book. I like them, kind of a prehistoric looking pattern.
Looks just like the pair (hopefully) that I picked up last Wednesday. They weren't labelled as henriquei, but that's what I came up with after checking the Cat-e-log, and Siedel and Evers book. I like them, kind of a prehistoric looking pattern.
Thanks to you both for the replies. They do look like the pics in the Cat-E-Log, so I'm going with that identification.
If I might ask: what were you feeding them? Right now I'm using Repashy gel, but I'd like to vary the diet.
I've got them in with 5 C. atropersonatus that I obtained on the same day. They're getting whatever I feed the Corys, NLS pellets, multiple brands of sinking wafers, frozen foods, etc. They seem to be eager eaters, not shy at all.
Farlowella henriquei has only two rows of abdominal scutes, your species has a complete third row.
Based on the few characters visible in the pics (pectoral fin length, snout length), and the origin this might be F. oxyryncha, but I'm far from being sure.
Thanks Syno and Mountain. I think they are eating, but have not actually seen it happen. Food is gone in the morning. As to Hikari algae wafers, all it seems to do is make a mess out of the water quality. I've stopped using them. Kamas, looking at pics of the two, the abdominal scutes don't seem to match oxyryncha, but I'll chck other pics to make sure.
what is your reference for the comparison ?!
IMHO the match of the scutes is quite good, but this is only one character which alone is certainly not sufficient for any safe statement.