Can you help me ID this mysterious Cat?

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Can you help me ID this mysterious Cat?

Post by newkie »

Sorry for the poor photos, but can anyone help me ID this particular catfish. The LFS did not know what it was, and at the moment, it is about 1.25" or so long.
Bull, redtail, sun etc. Seems to have similar body shape? Tail looks different. Anyways, any help would be great, as I want to know if this guy will be way too big for my aquarium in the coming yrs. and if so, how long do I have? I hate to buy anything without doing my homework, but I took a chance since the price was right. Free and I was looking for a Sun Cat when I walked in...

Thanks in advance




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Re: Can you help me ID this mysterious Cat?

Post by Silurus »

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Re: Can you help me ID this mysterious Cat?

Post by newkie »

Thank you. Is there any info you can give me on this catfish. Is it worth keeping, or is it going to be a problem being kept with a few other fish?
4" Leopard Leaf Fish, and I have a lone 3" Geo. Brasiliensis, and one 4" spotted raphael cat in a 29 gallon.
Do you see any problem arising with those. I read he can give you a pretty painful little sting?

Thanks again

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Re: Can you help me ID this mysterious Cat?

Post by Silurus »

There is some info in the link provided. Did you click it?
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Re: Can you help me ID this mysterious Cat?

Post by newkie »

Yeap, I checked it. Thanks, I appreciate it.

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Can you help me ID this mysterious Cat?

Post by exasperatus2002 »

Looks like a madtom to me

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