![Sigh :YMSIGH:](./images/smilies/46.gif)
I've read of a similar case on this forum with no conclusion and it seemed to happen to several of his cories, one after the other. Could this be contagious?
Here a thread of someone who had a similar problem.
http://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/view ... f=6&t=4156
1. Water parameters
a) Temperature range. 76-79
b) pH. 7.6
c) GH. ?
d) KH ?
e)Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, levels. 0, 10ppm (could be lower, just changed water), 0
f) Water change frequency
Once a week, about 60%
2. Tank set up
a) Size. 10 gal
b) Substrate. Sand
c) Filtration. Tetra Whisper Filter
d) Furnishings. Some fake plants, a hideout made of slate
e) Other tank mates: two other sterbai cories and a betta
f) How long has it been set-up? 10 months
3. Symptoms / Problem description
UPDATE 11/18/2014
I've been treating with Metroplex and Prazipro. Significant improvement on first day of treatment. He was able to swim and use bottom fins. Still twitching, but springs up now that he is able to use bottom fins. Can surface for with difficulty. Other cories were showing swim bladder problems. All of their conditions are "stable" at the moment.
UPDATE 11/5/2014
Did a 30% water change. About 10PPM nitrates before cleaning. Moved sick cory to a small tank floating the main tank. When I was trying to catch him in the net he swam upwards as if he had gained some mobility, but returned to his paralyzed self after he touched the bottom again. His spine is getting worse, he can still straighten, but after he strains himself swimming, it curls in. He managed to go up for air twice with great effort in the 3 inches of water I had him in.
A second cory is now showing similar symptoms. I noticed her spine is starting to curve. It's very slight, but now that I know what I'm looking for I know she is sick. She exhibited swim bladder like symptoms. Her upper body floated up first and she acted as if she were an air balloon going toward the surface. She then dropped back down, head first, as if she lost control of her body. She hit the sand and was just floating there on her back, swam up a little, then spiraled around, motionless. Then she regained control and sat on a leaf. She has a red mark on both armpits and there was the slightest tinge of pink on her barbels and gills. I think I saw her acting a bit strange the past couple days but I wasn't sure. I am so worried.
UPDATE 10/30/2014
I have observed that he cannot seem to use his bottom fins. He can't lift his body up with his ventral fins, which makes it difficult for him to feed. He has a hard time turning because he cannot move his pectoral fins very well, if at all. He scoots across the ground, lying flat on his belly because of this. He does eat food, but cannot access it well because of the above problems. I don't think he can surface for air. The barbs of his pectoral fins seem grayish and faded, instead of bright beige like his tank mates. He twitches strangely every few seconds, but will have bouts where there is no twitching. Slightly darker skin tone.
I don't know the gender...
Sudden onset of erratic swimming. I know cories like to swim against the glass, but this is different. It's expending all its energy swimming as fast as it can in the corner and actually made a crater in the sand from swimming so hard. It's twitching here and there when it stays still. I thought it was going to explode from using so much energy. Didn't think it'd make it until morning. I thought it may be swim bladder, but I'm not so sure. It isn't turning upside down, but instead just swims in a straight line, always staying upright.
Seems to have difficulty changing direction or going up for air. Does not seem interested in food because it is too busy swimming fast against a corner and breathing heavily. It was fine 10/27/2014 when I went to clean the tank. It was swimming with its buddies and did not appear to be stressed. Mere hours later, it was swimming like crazy and breathing heavily. I had noticed rapid breathing for the past couple days. Its barbels are very short/gone, but its been that way for months. It didn't seem to affect it in any way. It has been staying away from the other two here and there. I thought maybe its belly was a bit swollen, but I cannot say for certain. Reddish tint on gills and belly, don't know if that's normal.
4. Action taken (if any)
10/30/2014 Update: I have since returned him to the main tank. He has been fed and an air pump added.
I moved him to a small tub with tank water. I was concerned it might hurt itself or its tank mates. I was uncertain what to do about a heater, I know it's bad to let them sit in a tank without a heater when that is what they are used to. I have a small heater meant for a 5-10g so I was unsure if it was safe to put in the container. It was very late at night and I stood up trying to find an answer to what might be wrong, but it is very hard to diagnose a fish. Nothing really seems to fit. Some mention the possibility of poison from their barbs, but I figured he'd be dead by now and his breathing rapid, not slow. Could be parasites. I don't know. I've been treating the tank with kanaplex because my betta is a fin biter and I wanted to make sure he didn't have/get an infection. I added the last dose into the tank when I cleaned the water.
I've put six doses into the tank so far, spaced out as instructed, and waited about a week between each 3 round course so it didn't kill my bb. I figured it might help its barbels too because I read it might be from infection and I think I saw a little improvement, but not much. I put a pea into the tank after deshelling, boiling and crushing it because there was nothing else I could do and I figured if he had SBD it might help. Admittedly, I haven't been as diligent with cleaning the tank of leftover food because I've been working on a lot of projects and I feel really bad about that. The nitrates reached 50 ppm at one point, but I have since cleaned it twice or thrice. That's all I can think of that might have caused it.
5. Medications used (if any)
A pea
Food: Omega one shrimp pellets and hikari disc
His tank mates are acting normal with no signs of stress. They both have long barbels and swim together. Right now he is staying still and twitching here and there. I assume he is exhausted from all the swimming. I don't know what to do. I feel helpless. I'm not expecting any miracles and he probably will die, but I'm hoping someone might know something...
I have pictures and a short video of his behavior. Unfortunately, it doesn't exhibit the same vigor and urgency that he had last night, but you can see something is not right. Sorry if the frontal photo is distorted, but he just sits in a corner and the container makes it look funny. Should I put the heater in the small container? I don't want to cook him. I had plants in there but they seems to be impeding his ability to swim to the surface because he'd get stuck, so I took them out.
Thanks in advance.
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