are these L260 fry?

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are these L260 fry?

Post by james83 »

i had my L260's sex on this site and was told all 5 fish where males. my tank only has 6 bristlenose pleco's and 5 L260 pleco's in it. i found these 3 fry died when i was cleaning the tank. they dont look like bristlenose fry to me. are they L260 fry?


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Re: are these L260 fry?

Post by apistomaster »

These seem to be somewhat decomposed specimens to me but they still appear to me to be more likely L260 than common Bushynose fry.
L260 fry are a little smaller than newly hatch Bushynoses.
L260 fry upon fry swimming will be marked with very defined black and white lines with the black lines seem to be more prominent.
L260 fry are quite delicate, ime, and few ever survive in mixed company. They usually do fine when left in an L260 only breeding setup with lots of cover in the form of splits in bogwood and/or slates stacked with 0.5 cm spacings.
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Re: are these L260 fry?

Post by james83 »

thanks. i figured they were L260 fry. im moving them in there own 20 gallon tank in a couple days. thanks for the info on the slate being staked. im going to use that method.
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Re: are these L260 fry?

Post by 2wheelsx2 »

I concur with Apistomaster. My group of L260 bred without me knowing in a tank with growouts of L114, L14, L134 and L239. Only 2 fry survived for me to catch them. Very very slow growing.
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Re: are these L260 fry?

Post by vanillarum »

Keep an eye on the male's caves. If you see eggs, move the cave and all to a fry saver till the eggs (fry) come out of the cave. Then put dad back in the tank and grow out the fry. I do this religiously with my L400s and red BNs. Makes it a lot easier than chasing fry around your tank. Good luck.
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