Room 310, US Catcon

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Room 310, US Catcon

Post by msjinkzd »

Hey guys! I will be bringing some limited items to CatCon to sell during the spree on three.
Manzanita driftwood- pieces appropriate for 30-300g tanks.The largest show pieces are phenomenal, and will be priced accordingly. Most of the pieces will be around $30, with the huge monster pieces being significantly more, and straight branch pieces being less.
My new book- Mark Denaro and I wrote a book ( ... o-species/). I will have copies available for sale for $18.95

Now onto the critters. My complete stock list is available at, and I *can* take pre-orders as long as they are picked up on Friday. I will be bringing a limited number of things to sell in the room, per piece/pair.
Chocolate shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. chocolate)
Yellow Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var yellow)
Crystal red (Cardina cf. cantonensis var crystal red)
Crystal black (Caridina cf. cantonensis var crystal black)
Bee shrimp (Caridina cantonensis)- variety of colors
Microcrabs (Limnopilos naiyanetri)
Red spot nerites
Zebra nerites
Horned nerites
Assassin snails
Amano shrimp (Caridina multidentata)

Hillstream species
Sicyopus zostherophorus- Hillstream goby, available in pairs
Stiphodon percnopterygionus

Pseudogastromyzon fangi- Yellow hillstream loach
Various gastromyzon types including :
Hypergastromyzon humilis
Gastromyzon sp. 'SK02'
Gastromyzon cf. viriosus
Gastromyzon ocellatus
Gastromyzon ctenocephalus
and two species I have been unable to id as of yet.

Non-hillstream fishes
Epiplatys annulatus (Clown killies)
Boraras brigittae (Chili rasbora)
Otocinclus (mixed bag species, your guess is as good as mine, out of Colombia

Possibly a few other things, but we will see!

My husband will also have hand made marquis style "FISH" signs, as well as letters to sell.
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Re: Room 310, US Catcon

Post by Linus_Cello »

I'm interested in the Chili rasboras. How much?
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Interests: dwarf freshwater fish and invertebrates

Re: Room 310, US Catcon

Post by msjinkzd »

$3 each
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Location 2: PA; USA
Interests: dwarf freshwater fish and invertebrates

Re: Room 310, US Catcon

Post by msjinkzd »

Also- happy to rebag or re-ox during the weekend as needed, for no charge- just stop on by
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