Bamboo Caves

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Bamboo Caves

Post by Shane »

I will have a small number of bamboo caves available at CatCon. Some are open on both ends and great for spawning Loricariinae like Hemiloricaria. They also make great hiding spots for pims, auchenipterids, and bagrids. The second type is sealed on one end. I use these to spawn Ancistrus and Panaqolus. I find that many loricariids prefer these over stone or clay caves.

They have been treated for aquarium use and sink on their own.

I have divided them into large (suitable for pleco spp over 5") and medium (pleco spp under 4") sizes. If you want some let me know how many, of what type, and what size and I'll have them bagged up with your name on them. Large closed ends are $4, large open ends $3, mediums, open or closed, are $2 each.

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Re: Bamboo Caves

Post by ddavila06 »

having seen them in your tanks and new ones I am definitely getting some this week Shane!!! :) :d
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