L008 or L147?

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L008 or L147?

Post by jamesyboy »

Hi can anyone ID these two for me please. I initially thought they were L008 but having measured them the male is 4" and the female 3" and L008 have maximum size of 3" where as L147 have a max of 6". Both are 6 years old. Image
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Re: L008 or L147?

Post by MatsP »

I take it you didn't check with the shop to find out where they came from?

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Re: L008 or L147?

Post by Jools »

Given the patterning, especially the striped caudal, it'd say . Statistically, this is more likely too.

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Re: L008 or L147?

Post by Yann »

Yes it is L147 for sure!!
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Re: L008 or L147?

Post by jamesyboy »

No mat it was a customer who brought them in. He had originally bought them from that shop but it was 6 years ago. They just had them labelled as 'leopard plec' with no L number. They aren't the most knowledgeable to be honest.
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