adult (small sized)L201

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adult (small sized)L201

Post by black »

Hello hypan owners im looking for. The small L201 i had a group a few years ago and would like to get. More. I believe they only got about 2.5-2.9.
Also i may be getting a pair of L 129. So if anyone has a m/F (adult) to spare.

Im in socal 92407 thx Jackson :YMAPPLAUSE:
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adult (small sized)L201

Post by black »

Hello hypan owners im looking for. The small L201 i had a group a few years ago and would like to get. More. I believe they only got about 2.5-2.9.
Also i may be getting a pair of L 129. So if anyone has a m/F (adult) to spare.

Im in socal 92407 thx Jackson :YMAPPLAUSE:
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Re: adult (small sized)L201

Post by Jools »

Please don't double post.


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Re: adult (small sized)L201

Post by mattlamm »

Highly doubt he double posted on purpose, the timestamps are identical. Perhaps the site bug'd.
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Re: adult (small sized)L201

Post by Jools »

mattlamm wrote:Highly doubt he double posted on purpose, the timestamps are identical. Perhaps the site bug'd.
They clicked submit twice, I can't tell if they meant to do that or not but I mention it to highlight there was a problem and offer help if it is needed.

The times shown above are the same as the seconds are removed, but the posts do not have the same timestamps. One was 16 seconds past the minute and the other was 56 seconds past the minute. Therefore the OP posted, 40 seconds passed, the OP posted again (potentially using back and click on submit again) and didn't check the result thereof.

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Re: adult (small sized)L201

Post by mattlamm »

Fair enough, sounds like that is what happened. Or perhaps the old F5 resubmit, not sure what the site is written in. Either way, an accident I'm sure.
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Re: adult (small sized)L201

Post by black »

Wow didn`t know a double post would cause you Jool to complety forget about the fish that i am inquiring about.Mattlamm made a good point that is i may not have known, anyway a very unimportant thing to me about a double post..not ,the first mistake ive made and im sure it wont be the last while i still breath so
But since you bothered to post do you have any spare L 340 or the 201 that im looking ? If not plz leave the post space for a member who doesand maybe i can find what im searching for..that would be a happenig situation. BLACK
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Re: adult (small sized)L201

Post by Barbie »

Were you looking for L129 or L340? I do occasionally have L201 for sale, but none at the moment. I also have breeder sized L129 available.

Jools is the site admin btw, since you may not have noticed. Asking him to save you space on your post is a little rich, after he took the time to explain to someone else why he bothered ;). We DO have people that intentionally double post, as they think it makes them more apt to get an answer (incorrectly, might I add). Sorry for any confusion ;).

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Re: adult (small sized)L201

Post by black »

A RESPECT ISSUE AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED HIS TITLE DOES NOT EXCUSE THAT,also there is nothing rich about my comments at all,why do you say that Barbie because he's a site admin?
If thinks it was intentional then he could have just closed it or sent me a private email Explaining that instead of don't double post like I'm some child, as far as I'm concerned the title site admin. means nothing if there no respect behind it.A mistake is just that a mistake Barbie.
I'll just find what I'm looking for on my own,plenty of hypan owners out here I'm sure that will have what I'm looking for without the nonsense attatched to it that comes from these sites........... it's always something.
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Re: adult (small sized)L201

Post by Barbie »

I'm sorry you feel put upon by being politely asked to follow the same rules as everyone else. You seem to be laboring under the impression that we're attempting to sell fish and your departure will somehow remove "business". The board is here for an exchange of information and networking of friends with a common interest. It is an international forum with more than a few language barriers. Some of the most helpful and kind people I know are found among the members. While you are welcome to participate, you are also asked to please behave as though you are in someone else's living room. This place has become not "the internet" but "our house" to many of us. Good luck in your search for a place where it isn't always "something".

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Re: adult (small sized)L201

Post by TwoTankAmin »

And where the heck is inland empire? How the heck do you think you will get any response to your request if your location is cryptic? Strike one.

Next, a few years ago three different fish were all being called 201- today they are H. Inspector aka 102, H. contradens and 201. Which one did you really want, who knows? Strike two.

Then you come to a new site looking for folks to help you out. No matter what the reason you double posted, Jools was not rude, condescending or insulting in his post. He replies like that as much so other folks as well as you are aware of the potential and asking people to avoid doing it. Your reaction was rude and did not do much to help you in your search. Strike three.

Some of the best catfish folks around are on this site including many breeders. Good people to alientate when one is in search of fish or help. There is no such thing as Strike four.
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