Introducing an adult L014 to an existing catfish population

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Introducing an adult L014 to an existing catfish population

Post by BazzNL »

I am in the process of getting a new tank. I am now in the planning stage, where the great ideas are born.. b-)

The tank will measure 250x90x70(h) cm, approximately 1500 litres (gross).
The tank will be Rio Xingu inspired and the main inhabitants will be a group of Geophagus Altifrons (pref. bought small and brought up myself).
Next to this a few of my current catfish will move to the bigger tank. This will be my L027 Xingu (about 20cm), my L014 (about 13cm at the moment), and an L091 (about 12cm at the moment).

What I would like to do in the future when the tank is up and running, is to introduce an adult L014 (25cm) to the catfish population. Will this be a wise idea? Or is it better to introduce an L014 of the same size as the one I currently own and let them grow out together? Or is it even better to keep the catfish population as is since none of them is fully grown yet?

I expect some competition with the L027 in the beginning because of the similar sizes. Same was the case with the current L014 that is only half the size of the L027... Now they get along just fine.

The main reason for this question is the current availability of some adult L014 in my region, which doesn’t happen often.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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Re: Introducing an adult L014 to an existing catfish populat

Post by Linus_Cello »

My only thought is what will you be feeding the L14? If a lot of meaty foods, that could be trouble for the L27 and L91. I think the forum has threads about "royals" having digestion problems if they eat too many meaty foods (clams, fish, shrimp, etc). I think I lost my L91 from bloat from too much blackworms and high protein wafers. Maybe a separate tank for the L27 and L91?
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Re: Introducing an adult L014 to an existing catfish populat

Post by magdalo »

Introducing a bigger L014 to a smaller one seems illogical in my opinion. From experience, I have learned that these beautiful and often popular fish are capable of being aggressive and territorial towards their own specie. Moreover, they grow pretty quick because they are voracious eaters! They would even come out and eat during daytime if you feed them.
I have been keeping four L014s in a six-foot long tank for several years now. They are all wild-caught and started around 8-9 cm. Now, three of them are about 17-19 cm and a dominant male is about 22-23 cm. During daytime, he keeps about 1/3 of the tank to himself. Chasing away any fish that lingers into that area, including Corydoras. God knows what he does during nighttime? Fortunately, there's been no serious injury to other L014s except for some slightly torn-up fins. Perhaps, I should move the bigger pair sometime soon.
With regards to feeding, my L014s are doing well on a diet mostly composed of Hikari Cory tabs, Algae tabs, and fresh Butternut Squash. They do get some protein from twice-a-week feedings of Hikari Carnivore tabs and twice-a-month servings of fresh prawns.
However, I do agree with Linus_Cello that it would be a better idea to have the L014s in their own tank.
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Re: Introducing an adult L014 to an existing catfish populat

Post by BazzNL »

Thanks for your input and advice!

I won’t be adding one to the future tank than.

Mine is primarily on a vegetable diet. He doesn’t feed during the day (neither does the L091). I feed my cory some black mosquito and they are so fast to eat them all that I doubt that the other cats get more than a snack from that. The L027 will go and look for some food when I feed the cory, but he can be easily distracted with some Hikari algae wafers/tabs. I feed the cory about 45 minutes before lights out. Just before that I place zucchini and squash in the tank for the cats. Once every two weeks I place a mussel in the tank. I know for sure the L014 goes for that. He doesn’t eat squash or sweet potato at the moment. I thinks he mainly feeds on the Hikari algae tabs and perhaps on the zucchini (and mussel). But as you both state correctly I am a bit cautious with introducing too much meaty foods to the tank.

I don’t think a species tank is possible, although I agree with both of you that this would be the best option. I think I go for the transfer to the bigger tank in the future (when it is ready) to give him more room. I will keep the current tank (and keep it SA) so I have some options available when I need to intervene. And I have a broad network of people owning big South America tanks. But he will not be the fish that is leaving if I have to make some room! Great fish! Can’t wait for him (or her) to get big!

I think the main focus will be in the new tank is when to feed the cichlids and when to feed the cats. So I can keep the cats away from the meaty cichlid food (although they get spirulina as well).

Btw the guy I bought him from used to have some adult L014's which he fed whole mussel with some tongs.. I’m defiantly gonna try this with mine when he gets a bit bigger!
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Re: Introducing an adult L014 to an existing catfish populat

Post by David R »

I think two of almost anything isn't a good idea, especially aggressive catfish, so I think you made the right move.

As for diet, I have L190 and L14 in the same tank together (along with L128 and L81 to cover all dietary bases) and feed a diet that is about 90% New Life Spectrum food, along with the occasional veges (sweet potato usually). I think the quality of ingredients in the NLS foods and the large amount of vegetable matter makes it an ideal "all round" diet for most plecs. Yes multiple species tanks would probably be best, but my fish all seem to be doing well after two years together.
David R's 2000L tank build - now up and running with fish and water and stuff, check it out!
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