L134 behaviour

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L134 behaviour

Post by BazzNL »


I have a question about the behaviour of my L134. I noticed the last three evenings that he comes up to the water surface to sit on the glass. I saw him doing this also in the past, also a few years ago when he was in another tank. And I assume he also did this in the dark in the past (days / weeks /months).

The latest additions to the tank were a small power head (just 600 l/h), an air pump which operates at night and a couple of times during the day, and the renewing the filter turf. The temperature is around 26 - 26,8C (summer is coming). He has a young and much smaller L262 as a tank mate for a few months. No incidents. Two weeks ago I removed a vast group of red cherry shrimp from the tank. In my opinion this should all be improvements to his well-being/water quality.

Normally I would qualify this behaviour as coming up for air (maybe like corys do, or is that not possible for this species)? There was no air pump in his tanks before. And to be sure of a good water quality I added the small power head and the air pump.

Hope you have any thoughts.

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