Jerry Mirandas Synodontis multipunctatus spawning video

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Jerry Mirandas Synodontis multipunctatus spawning video

Post by Erwin »

Back in 2003 Jerry Miranda uploaded a video sequence, where one can see a Synodontis, that he called S. multipunctatus, which was spawning without any mouthbrooding cichlid. Is this video still available somewhere?
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Re: Jerry Mirandas Synodontis multipunctatus spawning video

Post by Jools » ... f=2&t=7973

I don't know if he did upload the video here. Pics from it are here: ... ode=images.

Jerry did send me the video on CD, I will have a look for it if that would help?

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Re: Jerry Mirandas Synodontis multipunctatus spawning video

Post by Erwin »

That would be nice, Jools. Originally the video sequence was available from: ... _synos.htm
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Re: Jerry Mirandas Synodontis multipunctatus spawning video

Post by Jools »

I am going upstairs NOW to look for the CDROM! Meanwhile, that article can still be found in the reproduction section of Shane's World: ... cle_id=264

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Re: Jerry Mirandas Synodontis multipunctatus spawning video

Post by dconnors »

Let me know if anyone has any luck finding the video. It would take me some looking but I have a copy of both of his videos that I could dig up if needed...
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Re: Jerry Mirandas Synodontis multipunctatus spawning video

Post by Jools »

I do not have a video from Jerry, although I really thought I did, there is no evidence. I do have (from 1999) a video from one Troy Donovan showing S. lucipinnis (I think) spawning in an inverted flowerpot over a bowl of marbles. Is that any use?


PS On the plus side, I've found about 200 CDs that I didn't know I had.
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