Peckoltias, Apistogrammas and caves.

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Peckoltias, Apistogrammas and caves.

Post by ShonV »

Hi guys,

I am looking at starting a new tank in the near future so I am planning for that, I am going to need your help with some of the decor.
The tank is a 100x40x50 cm and will hopefully be home to three . Besides the catfish I would like to have a group (harem) of four Apistogramma cacatuoides.

Now to house the Apistos and perhaps have them spawn I am going to add some caves to the tank. Caves like this: ... 30302.html and ... 30002.html.
However with catfish in the tank they will probably try to gain access to the caves meant for the Apistos. Especially if the cichlids have spawned in them.
I was wondering if it would be possible to keep the Peckoltias out by just having the entrance holes smaller then the fish itself. It goes without saying that I don't want the fish to get stuck in them. So with that in mind what would the entrance size need to be to keep them out? The fish are currently as far as I know, adults between the lengths of 10-12cm.

I have emailed the seller and the cave entrances are about 2,5 x 3,0 cm and on the second one the diameter is around 2,5 cm. The seller has also offered to make a customized size if needed.

On another point, I want to give the Peckoltias plenty of other caves to hide in, so what kind of size would be most useful for them?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Peckoltias, Apistogrammas and caves.

Post by FishnFins »

Depends, the cave size required changes based on what size you receive them at. Just keep in mind plecos in general use the cave you don't want them too. My vit. Tend to stay under a pile of driftwood in a quarter of the tank most of the time so you could try that.
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Re: Peckoltias, Apistogrammas and caves.

Post by ShonV »

Thanks, yes the tank will have plenty of driftwood in it, along with other cover. Not only for hiding spots for the Peckoltias but also for breaking sightlines. This way the cichlids should be able to co-exist easily.

As said before the L15s should all be adult size, around 10-12 cm. Now I currently cannot go and measure them myself which is the reason I am asking you these questions.
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Re: Peckoltias, Apistogrammas and caves.

Post by DutchFry »

you can use the caves you posted for the Peckoltia's.

for the cacatuoides, i would use half a coconut. just buy one at the store, cut it through the middle and take away the coconut flesh. rinse/boil it or whatever to make it clean. then take a drill and make a small hole right on top of the half coconut. the hole should be about the size of 20 eurocent coin

this way the Peckoltia's won't be able to enter the coconut shell, the Apisto's will be happy to spawn in there and if they have fry, they will also take shelter in the coco shell.

this is just one option. you can think of more ways to keep Loricariids out. it's quite easy for cacatuoides, as the males arent built high like for example the macmasteri's and borellii's are. good luck fellow Dutchie!
Greetings, Tim
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