Bristlenose Plecos?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Bristlenose Plecos?

Post by CorydoraCat »

Hey guys! I was recently offered a young bristlenose pleco, and am thinking of taking the offer. I've been hoping for a smaller pleco for my aquarium, and from what I know, these guys are supposed to stay much smaller than common plecos.

I was just wondering if there's anything important I should know about keeping them. I have a 30 gallon hex that's kept at about 76-78F, that currently contains a group of different cory cats, a dwarf gourami, two gold barbs, two danios, two Bolivian rams, a ghost shrimp, and a trio of snails (one's a big Peruvian, the others are both much smaller). It has larger smooth round pebbles as the substrate, as well as a decent sized twisted "tree" that offers lots of hiding spots, plants, etc.

They have one at 3 inches long, and the others are tiny (less than an inch). Would one of the little guys be okay with my current inhabitants? I was a little worried about the Rams bothering him if he's small, but they seem to leave everyone alone and only bug each other. Also, is there anything I should provide for him? Any specific foods I should keep in mind?
Everyone currently gets a mix of flakes, pellets, shrimp granules, algae wafers, and bloodworms, and I sink a leaf of kale, lettuce, or sweet potato once in a while for the snails.
Is algae an absolute must? I've never seen a single speck of algae in my aquarium (I think the Peruvian keeps on top of it). Anything else important to know?

Thanks a lot for any advice! :)
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Re: Bristlenose Plecos?

Post by leisure_man »

Last edited by leisure_man on 17 Aug 2014, 11:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bristlenose Plecos?

Post by wijnands »

If you don't have algae best advice would be to keep some veg in the tank at all times and rotate. Good chance the little guy will get his protein fix from left over flake, if not feed some of the small hikari algae wafers twice a week.
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Re: Bristlenose Plecos?

Post by pitbull13 »

^^^^ just keep some veggies in the tank i have an albino bn and love him i would get the 3inch and get some driftwood (rember to boil driftwood i didnt and now my water is red)

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Re: Bristlenose Plecos?

Post by wijnands »

There is nothing wrong with red water. If it does bother you some carbon in the filter will clear it up
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Re: Bristlenose Plecos?

Post by emma09 »

I have a Bristlenose and I think she's awesome apart from the constant pooing!
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