Can someone tell what is wrong with my Catfsih

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Can someone tell what is wrong with my Catfsih

Post by anteatergoanna »

Hi all, I posted this before but in the wrong area I think. I bought a BGK, a couple of weeks ago, the pleco had a couple of run ins with it, so I'm not sure if the white marks are from that. He is swimming and eating okay, the marks aren't risen or fuzzy, an it doesn't appear to bother him, ( should be her). The water parameters are excellent and he's in a 140 ltr tank, which I change at least half once (twice when I can). There is no flashing on anything. The white marks are quite large.
Any help would be appreciated.Image

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Re: Can someone tell what is wrong with my Catfsih

Post by Barbie »

They can naturally lighten and darken their coloration. It is difficult to see in this picture, but if the patches are even and come and go, it is just his response to his environment. Usually seen in tanks with lighter colored substrates.

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