Split: Royals w/ Ich

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Split: Royals w/ Ich

Post by hewely »

hi folks

my two just purchased 8 inch goldline royals are down with ich
they are in a q tank

q tank parameters - ph 7
kh -0 (tap water here is soft)
gh - 3
nh3/4- 0
no2 - 0
no3 - 0

the following day after purchase on last saturday 7/12/03

i noticed a few spots on the fellows
i added melafix

day 2
more spots!!
added heater temp brought up to 31 celsius
20% water change
siphoning of tank bottom
added heavy aeration
added melafix

day 3
ahhh more spots and white blotchy stringy stuff
20% water change
siphoning of tank bottom
temp brought up to 32 celsius
added melafix

day 4
even more spots and white blotchy stringy stuff
20% water change
siphoning of tank bottom
added 1 teaspoon of salt per gallon
temp at 32 celsius
noticed receding of eyes on one of the worst hit royals (not as protrusive as before)

day 5
temp at 32
can i add waterlife protozin together with the salt treatment?
fellows looks damned sorry especially the one with the receded eyes
lying at the bottom and just faning his fins

is the increase in white stuff a sign of things speeding and getting for the better or is a sign of worse things to come??

is it ok for me to add in other medications together with the salt and heat to speed things up really hurts to see my golden babes this way :( :(

what else can i do??
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royals w ich

Post by hewely »

help me please
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Post by hewely »

does silence from the forum members means that i am doing the right thing and i should continue with the present method :roll: :roll:
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Post by lizardking »

Hewely, the batch of royal from ganff are all down with fungus. So I reckon urs must be too. I suggest u rush down to any 24 hrs fish shop and buy a medication by the name of Furan3 and Superkill parasites. Its indicated on the packaging that when combine, they will get rid of most bacteria, fungus, parasites, etc...They worked wonders for me once. They are in the form of power which had been packed into satchets and into a box. Follow the intructions on the packaging. Good luck.....
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Post by Barbie »

I would think it means more that you posted late in most of our evening and we hadn't checked the board yet this morning :)

I wouldn't change much, but that temp. is WAY too high if you aren't treating just ich. The fish will be stressed from trying to uptake enough oxygen at that level (32=89.6F), I would personally back it off a couple degrees, and continue the water changes daily, while treating the fungal infection. Lizardking seems to be familiar with the medications available in your area. The daily water changes should DEFINITELY continue, up to 50% or more. I have the best luck treating fish when I follow that regime.

Hope that helps,
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royals ich

Post by hewely »

hi barbie

thanks for the reply

i increased the temp caused on another thread for ich on syno eupterus dinyar was advising someone to maintain the temp at 33 celsius

yesterday and today i noticed the fellows dont look any worst hit just that that for one the eyes has withdrawn a little and the stomach is a little withdrawn too

i have added waterlife protozin - contains formaldehyde (pardon my spelling)

so treatment for today will be:

last treatment of 1 teaspoonful/gallon of salt
second treatment of protozin
readjust temp down by 1 celsius
change water by 30%??
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Post by magnum4 »

last treatment of 1 teaspoonful/gallon of salt
second treatment of protozin
readjust temp down by 1 celsius
change water by 30%??
leave out the salt, if protozin contains formalin (who told you this if you don't mind)

I would just bring down the temperature, change water by 30% and do second treatment of protozin.
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Post by hewely »

thanks the reply magnum4

formaldehyde is stated on the label
so its good stuff for ich?

damned i have treated them twice with 1 teaspoonful/gallon salt

barbie, can you please comment on the salt bit??

bring down the temp to?
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Post by Barbie »

I use salt at the 1 teaspoon per gallon added every day after a 30% water change, for three days, then continue the 30% water changes daily to get rid of ich, with the tank temp at 86 degrees or so. Discus do great at 90, but not all other fish tend to, IME.

The problem with the treatment, as I see it, is that you are now battling bacterial problems with the fungus, that is probably a secondary problem, initially started with the ich. Good water parameters might bring them around, but antibiotics would probably give it a better shot, in a quarantine tank situation. I've had success doing that in the past, although I know its not the favored method with a few frequent posters. There are very good arguments for not using antibiotics, but your fish sound weak enough that they may have a rough go of it without them. I wish I was more help, sorry :(

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Post by hewely »

hi barbie

you have been of great help
if not i would have been even more lost

:D :D

the worrying bit now is the temp part
cause i am at work now and wont be back till around ten hours later!!

and i just read on another forum info bout formaldehyde being toxic at high temp

will be 0.75ml for 10 gallon tank be too high a dosage??

really hoping that the excessive aeeration i setup will help now
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Post by magnum4 »

formaldehyde is stated on the label
so its good stuff for ich?
oh yeah forgot about that my advise was going to say that protozin is largely malachite greed(white spot killer) based with some formalin, but manufactures have to state if there is formalin/formaldehyde present because of it's carcinogenic properties.

In terms of the salt and high temperatures you have i would say don't worry to much because, AFAIK formaldehyde is not as major constituant. Although in the future when using protozin, IMO leave out the salt and increase areation/water changes to improve conditions.
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dead but not forgotten

Post by hewely »

hi folks

thanks for all the replies

the fellows has managed to fight off ich but has succumbed to secondary infection at least they went back to wanderamazonland with gunshot wounds rather than white dots

they put up a brave fight to the end

one lesson i learned was that i should have proceeded to a form of antibiotic like sera baktopur direct(nifurpurinol) when i lost control of the whole situation i.e when the problem developed beyond just ich/velvet

hey lizardking/scarlett :wink: :wink:

sorry i didnt noticed your reply earlier
thanks for replying too
are proud of having them all the way
they are true royalties till the end
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Post by lizardking »

Hi Hewely, sad to hear that the fellows din make it. From ur postings, I can see that u had indeed tried very hard to save them so dun take it too hard ya.
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ichy royal

Post by hewely »

thanks lizardking for the pat on the back

you seem pretty low profiled nowadays

onto some new project more pseudacanthicus?? :D
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Post by lizardking »

Hewely, I had no big project coming up but I had started myself on discus but of cuz plecos still my first luv. :razz: Been trying to get myself a digicam so that I can post some pics on the net. :wink:
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