Sexual dimorphism in c. trilineatus?

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Sexual dimorphism in c. trilineatus?

Post by parrot1974 »

Hi all
Just a quick question to check a theory/observation of mine. I have 5 cory trilineatus - 2 males and 3 females. They are all busy spawning at the moment and I don't know whether this affects things. However, I've noticed that my males all have very marked spots on their pelvic fins, whereas the girls have clear or almost clear pelvic fins.
Obviously, five is not enough to make a call on it, but wondered if anyone else had noticed that or had any ideas on it?
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Re: Sexual dimorphism in c. trilineatus?

Post by Marine590622 »

I have never noticed this, and I suspect that some of the old hands would have over the years, but I do have an actively breeding group, so I will pull them and examine them this evening.
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Re: Sexual dimorphism in c. trilineatus?

Post by CarlDeller »

My have the same dimorphism . Wouldn't that just be awesome if it's true for all species and no one really noticed
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Re: Sexual dimorphism in c. trilineatus?

Post by Marine590622 »

I am not seeing it on a cursory look and I am going to call it a night early tonight, so I am not going to catch them all and do a detailed examination.
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Re: Sexual dimorphism in c. trilineatus?

Post by Marine590622 »

Last night I tore their tank down and caught them all, on close examination of eleven adults I could not determine sex based on pelvic fin colorization or form.
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Re: Sexual dimorphism in c. trilineatus?

Post by parrot1974 »

That's a shame. Then it would seem to be coincidence. It would be interesting to hear from more people, either way!
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