Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
To me it looks like the L-134, that is not the vittata anyway and not either Zonancistrus pulcher I think. How small is he?
Take a photo from one side on the hole fish.
Yes I would also say Peckoltia sp L134 ...
But to take the rest of doubt, if you could make a picture of the fish sideway...that will really be helpfull.
00 MooRRii 00 wrote:See no need for panic Adam told you i was selling you the real deal hehe.
I e-mailed you about others that are in.
00 MooRRii 00,
No problem with you using this forum to show off your wares or have them identified, but if you are entering into this kind of stuff can you do it by PM and keep it off the topics?
in your last post Adam is there suppose to be two pics? if so i can only see the bottom one and to me that dont look like the first pic you sent, i agree that the last pic is an L-134 but i dont on the first pic, can you get some more pics of the first one?
00 MooRRii 00 wrote:Wasn't aware it was a problem. Thanks for informing me.
It's just that this sort of post doesn't really add anything of value for readers except for the two involved hence it's better to PM. It's a general rule we _try_ and follow but it is often hard to catch all instances of it - this was just a really clear cut one.
Although this is a specific instance involving you, I am posting this rather than PMing it because others can learn and act according from it too.
It's all in the name of keeping topics focussed - no problem at all you guys using my diskspace to PM on this type of thing.
Yours looks similar to the fish I was hoping to get when I ordered (3) peckoltia vittata, but I got nothing close. Mine are all light brown with darker brown spots and stripes as it nears the tail. They tell me they are "clown" Pl*cos (which are what I ordered,) but I was expecting something different. Your fish is certainly beautiful, though, btw.