Peppered cory catfish in 10 gallon tank

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Peppered cory catfish in 10 gallon tank

Post by Pepper8304 »

I'm having 4 peppered cory catfishs in a 10 gallon tank. I read that they can grow up to 3". I also read that they need at least 6 of em in the tank to be active, otherwise they will be shy. Should I put 2 more in my tank( my tank have only peppered cory catfish)?
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Re: Peppered cory catfish in 10 gallon tank

Post by festaedan »

I think 5 in a 10 gallon would be a bit overstocked. A group of 5-7 would do well in a 20 long. Then they could have some tank mates.
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Re: Peppered cory catfish in 10 gallon tank

Post by Pepper8304 »

festaedan wrote:I think 5 in a 10 gallon would be a bit overstocked. A group of 5-7 would do well in a 20 long. Then they could have some tank mates.
If you say 5 is a bit overstocked, I won't put anymore in my tank. I love Cory Catfishs, If I have an opportunity to buy another the tank for my cory; I will buy a 150 gallon tank. Thank you for your replying!
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Re: Peppered cory catfish in 10 gallon tank

Post by Valb68 »

The amount of corys per tank all depends on your filtration capacity and cleaning regimen, IMO. I personally would add a couple more, I have 6 to 10 corys per 10G breeding tank. I just make sure I do my weekly water changes and have adequate filtration :d
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Re: Peppered cory catfish in 10 gallon tank

Post by Pepper8304 »

Valb68 wrote:The amount of corys per tank all depends on your filtration capacity and cleaning regimen, IMO. I personally would add a couple more, I have 6 to 10 corys per 10G breeding tank. I just make sure I do my weekly water changes and have adequate filtration :d
I change 25 % of my fish tank water every 2 days. My tank has a filter that can be put in a 20 gallon tank.
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Re: Peppered cory catfish in 10 gallon tank

Post by Valb68 »

Sounds great! Not all filters are the same but you'll be able to tell if it's not doing the job, you can always add another filter :) happy fish keeping

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