Hemibagrus wyckii or Hemibagrus wyckiodes?

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Hemibagrus wyckii or Hemibagrus wyckiodes?

Post by tedz »

Okay very first post to the forums, but have used the site for quite some time now. I bought this catfish at the store and he was labeled as an Asian Redtail Catfish. Now let me first say this store has mislabeled things in the past so I can't really trust in the labels that much. The catfish I have in my aquarium completely resembles a Hemibagrus wyckii(black devil cat) and I mean COMPLETELY, except his whiskers are white. Bright white. He is completely pitch black except whiskers. He has the same body shape and everything. The picture isn't mine, but looks exactly like my catfish if it were that big. The one I have now is around 3 inches maybe 2.5 inches.
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Re: Hemibagrus wyckii or Hemibagrus wyckiodes?

Post by Silurus »

You'll have to provide a photograph of your fish, as young H. wyckioides:

(1) bear a passing resemblance to H. wyckii and

(2) have very pale barbels and sometimes very dark bodies.
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Re: Hemibagrus wyckii or Hemibagrus wyckiodes?

Post by festaedan »

We'd need a picture of yours to tell for sure. Asian rtc normally have a more "pudgy" profile while wyckiis are more streamline.
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Re: Hemibagrus wyckii or Hemibagrus wyckiodes?

Post by tedz »

I'll get a pic for you guys today . I don't have a very good camera but my girlfriend has an iPhone I'll snap a pic later when she gets here. Thanks for the replies guys I'll get a picture of him later.
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