l134 + l201 + laser cories

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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l134 + l201 + laser cories

Post by softak »


I am setting up a 4 ft tank.
Going to have several internal filters (2 x Fluval u4 + Eheim 2012)
Want to keep trio of l134 and l201 + some laser cories.
Is it possible to keep and breed them in this setup?

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Re: l134 + l201 + laser cories

Post by vanillarum »

Should not be a problem. Just make sure there is a cave for each individual pleco. Each male will claim one eventually. Good luck.
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Re: l134 + l201 + laser cories

Post by softak »

Should I divide tank?
I've heard that l134 could be agressive.
What would be good a dither fish for this fish tank?
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Re: l134 + l201 + laser cories

Post by vanillarum »

I wouldn't worry about dividing the tank, as long as there are plenty of hiding places. In a 4' tank, you dither fish alternatives are almost endless. I like a school of debawie cats. Mine school very nicely. Good luck.
Never give up until you have released your unused capacities for service and shared your gift with others. One enkindled spirit can set hundreds on fire.
William H. Danforth
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