Rare Aquatics

Items for sale in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.
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Nick Crane
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

Order directly for UK delivery from our online store www.rareaquatics.co.uk or by calling to our shop open 10 am to 5pm

Rare Aquatics
Unit 7 Atec Court
Lancaster Fields

Tel: 01270 589006

New Peru fishes In Stock

Ancistrus sp. Green spotted / "Green Lantern" Rare / Males and females available - £10 each
Apistogramma baenschi "Inca 50" - Male & Female PAIR - £15
Apistogramma panduro - Male & Female PAIR - £12
Apistogramma pantalone - Male & Female PAIR - £12
Apistogramma jurensis - Male & Female PAIR - £10
Boehlkea fredcochui / Blue Peru Tetra - 90p
Brochis splendens / Jumbo green cats, large size - £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Copella nigrofasciata / Copeina Red-line / Red-line splash tetra - 90p
Corydoras Agassizi, Large size £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras arcuatus, Large size £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras armatus £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras Trilineatus, Large size £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras C102 Rare / 3 registered Keepers on Planet Catfish - £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras loretoensis - £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras sp.Red Stripe CW23, Large size - £6.00 each £50 for 10
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma / bleeding heart tetra - 90p
Hyphessobrycon robertsi / very pretty tetra 90p
Hypoptopoma sp. Peru / Giant otto!! £3.50
Otocinclus affinis 90p
Pterophyllum scalare stunning XL Red Spotted Wild Peru Angels £20
Paracheirodon innesi / Green Neon Tetra - 50p
L204 Flash Panaque Pleco / Males & Females available - £12.99 each
Biotodoma cupido - £7 each
Lasiancistrus sp Red Tail - £10 each
Leporinus fasciatus - £3.99 each
Nannostomus trifasciatus - 90p
Nannobrycon eques - 90p

Special Offer Whilst Stocks Last
Myleus shomburgki / wide black band 3" WAS £21 Now £10
Corydoras super arcuatus £10 each ( 4 only )
L427 Pseudacanthicus sp.Black cactus 4" was £95 Now £50
Semaprochilodus / Flagtail 2" £10
Sturisoma aureum / Royal whiptail 4" £10
Acestrorynchus falcatus / red tail barracuda 4" £20 2 only
Trachcorystes trachcorystes was £120 NOW £50 ea.
Tatia Niinja was £49 NOW £20 ea.
Crenicichla Lago Maracana was £150 NOW £75 ea.
Serrasalmus Geryi £175 usual store price £350
Hydrolycus sp. Vampire Tetra 8-9" - £50 only 1 left
Corydoras gossei Wild £6ea
10 x CW10 Gold Lasers Corydoras £60
10 x CW009 Corydoras Green Laser £110
5 x Corydoras haraldschultzi £50

L114 Pseudacanthicus sp.5" £49 ea
L95 Pseudorinelepis pelegrini / Orange Cheek 7" - £125
L260 Hypancistrus sp.Queen Arabesque £47 each
L330 Panaque / Watermelon 5-7" - £65
Ancistrus sp. Tapajos / very fine white spots 4-6cm - £9
L25 Pseudacanthicus sp. Scarlet Super Red 8" £250
L24 Pseudacanthicus serratus 4" rare at this size £69 1 left
L97 Pseudacanthicus sp.black & white spots 5" - £75
L124 Hemiancistrus / Wild Venezuela / Bright yellow & Black spots 9-10" - £56
L264 Leporacanthicus "Sultan" pleco 5 - 6" - £48
L387 Ancistomus sp. Orange + Black spots 2" - £20
Acanthicus adonis Peru 7" £40
L314 Leporacanthicus sp. Light brown + dark spots / rarely imported Brazil fish 3-4" - £35
L330 Panaque / Watermelon 9-10" - £110
L29 leporacanthicus galaxias - very nicely marked bold spot examples 2" £25 ea

Corydoras Green Laser CW009 - Large size wild caught - £14
Corydoras Gold Laser CW10 - Large size wild caught £8
Corydoras super arcuatus - extra, extra large - £21
Corydoras haraldschultzi / wild, extra large - £12

Tatia perugiae 3-4cm / Great price!! - £6
Merodontodus tigrinus / Brachyplatystoma tigrinum - the nicest cat 7-8" rarely seen at this size, only 4 available - £500
Nemadoras elongatus / Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis / Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis "porthole catfish" 2-3" £9
Hassar oretis - Black Top Mouse Catfish / Rio Xingu 5-6" ( only 2 available ) £90
Centromochlus schultzi - very good looking wood cat, rarely imported / Xingu 3 - 4" £20
Platynemantichthys nototus - Lince Catfish 15" £775
Brachyrhamdia meesi - lovely little catfish £15
Platydoras armatulus - Humbug Catfish £9.99

XXL Heros severus - very special show fish these are stunning £85 ea
Gold Rams - German bred XL - £8
Red Devil Rams / Brand new strain - exclusive to Rare Aquatics - £25 per pair
Scalare "Mosquito-copper" / Brand new strain - exclusive to Rare Aquatics / Medium & Large size £20 each
Scalare "Santa Izabell Red" super nice wild angels / huge size and very colourful £100
Heros severus "Paraconi" - very nice wild specimens from Brazil, rarely seen 6-7" £69

Acestrorhynchus falcatus "Red Tail barracuda" - back in stock 5" - £35
Metynnis maculatus / spotted, red finned silver dollar 5-6" - £25
Myleus sp. Blackberry only at Rare in the UK
Nannostomus trifasciatus / 3 stripe pencil fish, Large size - £2.50
Acestrorhynchus falcatus "Red Tail Barracuda" 5-6" - nice predator £35
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma "Bleeding Heart" Tetra Extra Large size - £5 each
Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus "Flame-Back Bleeding Heart" Tetra Extra Large size - £5 each
Serrasalmus rhombeus "Black" / 7-8" - £130
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 7" £150
Leporinus maculatus 6-8" - £25
Leporinus niceforoi 6-8" - £25
Leporinus steyermarki 6-8" - £25
Leporinus sp. New / Unknown 7" £35
Hemieleotris latifasciata - South America Goby / Wild Colombia 2" - £15

Full range of Top Brand Equipment, Frozen & Dry Food, Bogwood & Live Plants always in stock
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
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My images: 7
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Location 2: CREWE, Cheshire UK

Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

New Colombian Import Fish

L200 Green Phantom "Hi-fin" ( Baryancistrus demantoides ) - £22
L200 Green Phantom ( Hemiancistrus subviridis ) - £20
Pseudolithoxus sp."Atabapo diamond" ( new sp.?? ) - £18
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi - Large size - £5 PAIR
Hemmigrammus rhodostomus / Rummi nose tetra - 90p each / £40 for 50 / £75 for 100
Paracheirodon axelrodi / Cardinal tetra - 90p each / £40 for 50 / £75 for 100
Otocinclus affinis / Golden oto - 90p each / £40 for 50 / £75 for 100
Pterophyllum scalare / Colombian angel fish - £6 each / £50 for 10
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum / Silver Arowana - £25
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
Posts: 121
Joined: 07 Jul 2011, 15:07
My images: 7
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Spotted: 35
Location 1: CREWE, Cheshire UK
Location 2: CREWE, Cheshire UK

Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

UK Only Dedicated South American Tropical Fish Specialist Import & Retailer voted Catfish Retailers Of The Year 2011 & 2012 & UK On Line Retailer Of The Year Runner Up PFK Readers Poll

Order directly from our online store for UK delivery http://www.rareaquatics.co.uk or by calling to our shop open 10 am to 5pm

Rare Aquatics
Unit 7 Atec Court
Lancaster Fields

Tel: 01270 589006

Newly arrived Peru Import fishes
Apistogramma atuhualpa "Sunset" - £10 PAIR
Apistogramma bitaeniata "Shushupe" - £15 PAIR
Apistogramma eremnopyge "Diamond" - £14 PAIR
Apistogramma barlowi / mouthbrooder - £12 PAIR
Corydoras panda - £4 each / £35 for 10
Corydoras gold laser / Peru gold stripe - £6 each / £50 for 10
Corydoras pygmaeus 90p each
Gymnorhamphicthys rondoni / mouse tail knife fish, super cute - £15
Heros rotkeil 4-5" - £40
Hyphessobrycon loretoensis / loreto tetra - 90p each
Nannostomus marginatus / pencil fish - 90p each
L226 Panaqolus changae "zebra" / males & females available - £15 SOLD more in 2 weeks call to pre order
Pterosturisoma microps / antenna catfish 6" - £30 SOLD more in 2 weeks call to pre order
Pseudohemidon apithanos / chameleon whiptails - £60
Aguarunichthys torosus / Bolt catfish 7-8" - £50
Platynematichthys notatus / Lince catfish 14-15" Perfect, healthy specimen - £450

Special Offer Whilst Stocks Last

Corydoras super arcuatus £10 each ( 4 only )
Acestrorynchus falcatus / red tail barracuda 4" £20
Trachcorystes trachcorystes was £120 NOW £50 ea.
Corydoras gossei Wild £6ea
10 x CW009 Corydoras Green Laser £110
5 x Corydoras haraldschultzi £50

Current Stock
L204 Flash Panaque Pleco large size 4 - 5" - £15 ea
Lasiancistrus sp Red Tail - £10 each
L240 leporacanthicus galaxias 5" £30
Hypoptopoma sp. Peru Giant otto pretty & rare £3.50 ea SOLD more in 2 weeks call to pre order
Otocinclus affinis 90p ea, 50 for £40, 100 for £75
L95 Pseudorinelepis pelegrini / Orange Cheek 8"+ - £125 ea
Ancistrus sp. Tapajos / very fine white spots 4-6cm - £9
L24 Pseudacanthicus serratus 4" rare at this size £69 1 left
L124 Hemiancistrus / Wild Venezuela / Bright yellow & Black spots 9-10" - £56
L264 Leporacanthicus "Sultan" pleco 5 - 6" - £48
Acanthicus adonis Peru 7" £40
L330 Panaque / Watermelon 9-10" - £110
L29 leporacanthicus galaxias - very nicely marked bold spot examples 2" £25 ea

Corydoras arcuatus, Large size £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras Trilineatus, Large size £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras loretoensis - £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras sp.Red Stripe CW23, Large size - £6.00 each £50 for 10
Brochis splendens / Jumbo green cats, large size - £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras Green Laser CW009 - Large size wild caught - £14

Tatia perugiae 3-4cm / Great price!! - £6
Merodontodus tigrinus / Brachyplatystoma tigrinum - the nicest cat 7-8" rarely seen at this size, only 4 available - £500
Nemadoras elongatus / Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis / Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis "porthole catfish" 2-3" £9
Centromochlus schultzi - very good looking wood cat, rarely imported / Xingu 3 - 4" £20
Brachyrhamdia meesi - lovely little catfish £15
Platydoras armatulus - Humbug Catfish £9.99

Biotodoma cupido - £7 each OLD more in 2 weeks call to pre order
Pterophyllum scalare stunning XL Red Spotted Wild Peru Angels £20
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi - Large size - £5 PAIR
Apistogramma panduro - Male & Female PAIR - £12
Apistogramma pantalone - Male & Female PAIR - £12
Apistogramma jurensis - Male & Female PAIR - £10
Crenicichla Lago Maracana Sexed Pair £200
XXL Heros severus - very special show fish these are stunning £85 ea
Scalare "Mosquito-copper" / Brand new strain - exclusive to Rare Aquatics / Medium & Large size £20 each
Scalare "Santa Izabell Red" super nice wild angels / huge size and very colourful £100
Heros severus "Paraconi" - very nice wild specimens from Brazil, rarely seen 6-7" £69 Breeding in store

Paracheirodon innesi / Green Neon Tetra - 50p
Leporinus fasciatus - £3.99 each
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma / bleeding heart tetra - 90p
Hyphessobrycon robertsi / very pretty tetra 90p
Boehlkea fredcochui / Blue Peru Tetra - 90p
Nannobrycon eques - 90p
Copella nigrofasciata / Copeina Red-line / Red-line splash tetra - 90p
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum / Silver Arowana - £25
Hemmigrammus rhodostomus / Rummi nose tetra - 90p each / £40 for 50 / £75 for 100
Paracheirodon axelrodi / Cardinal tetra - 90p each / £40 for 50 / £75 for 100

Myleus sp. Blackberry only at Rare in the UK
Acestrorhynchus falcatus "Red Tail Barracuda" 5-6" - nice predator £35
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 7" £150
Leporinus maculatus 6-8" - £25
Leporinus niceforoi 6-8" - £25
Leporinus steyermarki 6-8" - £25
Leporinus sp. New / Unknown 7" £35
Hemieleotris latifasciata - South America Goby / Wild Colombia 2" - £15

Full range of Top Brand Equipment, Frozen & Dry Food, Bogwood & Live Plants always in stock
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
Posts: 121
Joined: 07 Jul 2011, 15:07
My images: 7
My catfish: 49
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Spotted: 35
Location 1: CREWE, Cheshire UK
Location 2: CREWE, Cheshire UK

Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

All our fish can be bought directly from our shop open 10am to 5pm or from our online shop for UK delivery www.rareaquatics.co.uk if you have any questions do feel welcome to PM me

Large Peru Import arrival

L349 Ancistrus sp.Green Spotted "Green Lanterns" - Male and female pairs available £15 each
Apistogramma agassizi - £12 Pair
Apistogramma bitaeniata "shishita" - £15 Pair
Apistogramma cacatuoides - £10 Pair
Apistogramma oregon - £15 Pair
Biotodoma cupido - £10
Brochis multirradiatus ( XXL size ) - £12
Bunocephalus coracoids / Banjo catfish - £5
Chaetostoma sp.? - £15
Corydoras agassizi - £3 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras trilineatus - £3 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras C102 - £3 each or £25 for 10
Hypopotoma sp.Giant Otto - £5
Laetacara thayeri - £10
Nannostomus mortenthaleri / Coral pencil fish - £7
L226 Panaqulos changae - £15
L204 Flash panaque - £15
Pimelodidae sp. ( awaiting ID ) - £25
Pseudohemiodon sp. - £30
Pseudohemiodon apithanos / chameleon whiptails ( small ) - £39
Pterosturisoma microps / antenna catfish XL - £35
Sturisoma aureum / royal whiptail - £20

Current Stock

Otocinclus affinis 90p ea,
L95 Pseudorinelepis pelegrini / Orange Cheek 8"+ - £125 ea
Ancistrus sp. Tapajos / very fine white spots 4-6cm - £9
Acanthicus adonis Peru 7" £40
Corydoras gold laser / Peru gold stripe - £6 each / £50 for 10
Corydoras pygmaeus 90p each
Corydoras arcuatus, Large size £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras loretoensis - £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras sp.Red Stripe CW23, Large size - £6.00 each £50 for 10
Brochis splendens / Jumbo green cats, large size - £3.00 each or £25 for 10
Corydoras Green Laser CW009 - Large size wild caught - £14

Aguarunichthys torosus / Bolt catfish 7-8" - £50
Platynematichthys notatus / Lince catfish 14-15" Perfect, healthy specimen - £450
Tatia perugiae 3-4cm / Great price!! - £6
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis "porthole catfish" 2-3" £9
Centromochlus schultzi - very good looking wood cat, rarely imported / Xingu 3 - 4" £20
Brachyrhamdia meesi - lovely little catfish £15
Platydoras armatulus - Humbug Catfish £9.99

Apistogramma atuhualpa "Sunset" - £10 PAIR 1 left
Apistogramma bitaeniata "Shushupe" - £15 PAIR
Apistogramma eremnopyge "Diamond" - £14 PAIR
Apistogramma barlowi / mouthbrooder - £12 PAIR
Apistogramma panduro - Male & Female PAIR - £12
Apistogramma jurensis - Females - £5
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi - Large size - £5 PAIR
Pterophyllum scalare stunning XL Red Spotted Wild Peru Angels £20
XXL Heros severus - very special show fish these are stunning £85 ea
Scalare "Mosquito-copper" / Brand new strain - exclusive to Rare Aquatics £20 few left
Scalare "Santa Izabell Red" super nice wild angels / huge size and very colourful £100

Osteoglossum bicirrhosum / Silver Arowana - £25
Acestrorhynchus falcatus "Red Tail Barracuda" 5-6" - nice predator £20
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 7" £150
Hyphessobrycon loretoensis / loreto tetra - 90p each
Nannostomus marginatus / pencil fish - 90p each
Paracheirodon innesi / Green Neon Tetra - 50p
Leporinus fasciatus - £3.99 each
Hyphessobrycon robertsi / very pretty tetra 90p
Eques Pencilfish- 90p
Copella nigrofasciata Copeina Red-line splash tetra - 90p
Myleus sp. Blackberry only at Rare in the UK
Leporinus maculatus 6-8" - £25
Leporinus niceforoi 6-8" - £25
Leporinus steyermarki 6-8" - £25
Leporinus sp. New / Unknown 7" £35
Hemieleotris latifasciata - South America Goby / Wild Colombia 2" - £15
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
Posts: 121
Joined: 07 Jul 2011, 15:07
My images: 7
My catfish: 49
My aquaria list: 3 (i:0)
Spotted: 35
Location 1: CREWE, Cheshire UK
Location 2: CREWE, Cheshire UK

Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

New Import In Stock At Rare Aquatics in addition to our current stock all can be bought from our shop open 10am to 5pm Tel 01270 589006 or directly from our website shop for delivery to your door www.rareaquatics.co.uk

Ancistrus sp. green spots L349 / "Green Lantern" - £15 each
L226 Panaqolus changae - £15
L204 Flash panaque - £15
L029 Leporacanthicus sp. - £18
L090 Papa panaque "ojo chico" / Real papa - £45
L418 Panaque / Shampupa "Peru Green" - £75
Brochis splendens - £3
Corydoras C96 - £3
Corydoras arcuatus - £3
Corydoras robustus - £25
Corydoras C97 sychri luminose - £11
Corydoras green laser - £16
Corydoras trilineatus - £3
Corydoras orcesi "bonita" / beautiful cory - £25
Apistogramma bitaeniata "shushupe" - £15 PAIR
Apistogramma bitaeniata - £10 PAIR
Apistogramma norberti - £15 PAIR
Apistogramma melgar - £12 PAIR
Otocinclus sp. "Tiger" - £8
Otocinclus sp. "Vampiro" - £7
Otocinclus sp. "Cocamma" / zebra - £12
Lamontichthys filamentosus / High dorsal whiptail - £30
Planiloricaria cryptodon / super nice whiptail - £40
Hypoptopoma sp. "Gigante" - £6
Hemigrammus sp. Tetra castell - £1
Boehlkea fredcochui / Blue tetra - £1
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma / Bleeding heart tetra - £1
Biotodoma cupido / cupid cichlid - £10
Nannostomus rubrocaudatus / purple pencil fish - £8
Discus / spotted red eye - £59
Discus / red eye - £49
Gymnorhamphichthys rondoni / mouse knife fish - £15
Hydrolycus scomberoides / red tail - £45
Erythrinus erythrinus / red wolf fish - £25
Sorubim lima / shovel nose cat - £30
Colomesus asellus / Peru puffer - £9
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
Posts: 121
Joined: 07 Jul 2011, 15:07
My images: 7
My catfish: 49
My aquaria list: 3 (i:0)
Spotted: 35
Location 1: CREWE, Cheshire UK
Location 2: CREWE, Cheshire UK

Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

20% OFF EVERYTHING At @Rare Aquatics Updated Stock list latest Colombia, Peru & Germany Imports now added - Buy in store open 10 am - 5pm or online for UK delivery www.rareaquatics.co.uk special offer ends Midnight Sunday

New Imports This Week
Ancistrus sp. green spots L349 / "Green Lantern" - £15 each
L226 Panaqolus changae - £15
L204 Flash panaque - £15
L029 Leporacanthicus sp. - £18
L090 Papa panaque "ojo chico" / Real papa - £45
L418 Panaque / Shampupa "Peru Green" - £75
Brochis splendens - £3
Corydoras C96 - £3
Corydoras arcuatus - £3
Corydoras robustus - £25
Corydoras C97 sychri luminose - £11
Corydoras green laser - £16
Corydoras trilineatus - £3
Corydoras orcesi "bonita" / beautiful cory - £25
Apistogramma bitaeniata "shushupe" - £15 PAIR
Apistogramma bitaeniata - £10 PAIR
Apistogramma norberti - £15 PAIR
Apistogramma melgar - £12 PAIR
Otocinclus sp. "Tiger" - £8
Otocinclus sp. "Vampiro" - £7
Otocinclus sp. "Cocamma" / zebra - £12
Lamontichthys filamentosus / High dorsal whiptail - £30
Planiloricaria cryptodon / super nice whiptail - £40
Hypoptopoma sp. "Gigante" - £6
Hemigrammus sp. Tetra castell - £1
Boehlkea fredcochui / Blue tetra - £1
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma / Bleeding heart tetra - £1
Biotodoma cupido £10
Nannostomus rubrocaudatus / purple pencil fish - £8
Discus / spotted red eye - £59
Discus / red eye - £49
Gymnorhamphichthys rondoni / mouse knife fish - £15
Hydrolycus scomberoides / red tail - £45
Erythrinus erythrinus / red wolf fish - £25
Sorubim lima / shovel nose cat - £30
Colomesus asellus / Peru puffer - £9
L128 Blue Phantom 11" - amazing fish £100
L239 Blue fin panaque 4" - £25
L091 Leporacanthicus sp. 3 Beacon 5-6" - £45
L191 Dull eye royal panaque 3" - £25
L168 Butterfly pleco 4-6" - £17
L387 Peckoltia sp. Orange / Black spots 2-3" - £20
LDA72 Ancistrus triradiatus 2-3" - £10
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25
Black ghost knife fish 4-5" - £12
Corydoras arcuatus - £3
Corydoras metae - £3
Rummy nose tetra - £1
Wild Rams - £5 Pair
Cardinal tetra ( small ) - 90p
Pimelodus blochii - £15
Flag Tail prochilodus 4" - £25
Apistogramma Fire Red PAIR £25
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi Red / Gold PAIR £20
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi Electric Blue PAIR £25
Scalare Black Angelfish £8
Scalare Blue Angelfish £9
Corydoras barbatus £10

L349 Ancistrus sp.Green Spotted "Green Lanterns" - Male and female pairs available £15 each
Otocinclus affinis 90p ea,
L95 Pseudorinelepis pelegrini / Orange Cheek 8"+ - £125 ea
Ancistrus sp. Tapajos / very fine white spots 4-6cm - £9
Acanthicus adonis Peru 7" £40

Brochis multirradiatus ( XXL size ) - £12
Corydoras gold laser / Peru gold stripe - £6 each
Corydoras pygmaeus 90p each
Corydoras arcuatus, Large size £3.00 ea
Corydoras sp.Red Stripe CW23, Large size - £6.00 ea
Brochis splendens / Jumbo green cats, large size - £3.00 ea
Corydoras agassizi - £3 ea
Corydoras trilineatus - £3 ea
Corydoras C102 - £3 ea

Bunocephalus coracoids / Banjo catfish - £5
Pseudohemiodon sp. - £30
Pterosturisoma microps / antenna catfish XL - £35
Platynematichthys notatus / Lince catfish 14-15" Perfect, healthy specimen - £450
Tatia perugiae 3-4cm / Great price!! - £6
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis "porthole catfish" 2-3" £9
Centromochlus schultzi - very good looking wood cat, rarely imported / Xingu 3 - 4" £20
Brachyrhamdia meesi - lovely little catfish £15
Platydoras armatulus - Humbug Catfish £9.99

Laetacara thayeri - £10
Apistogramma agassizi - £12 Pair
Apistogramma bitaeniata "shishita" - £15 Pair
Apistogramma cacatuoides - £10 Pair
Apistogramma oregon - £15 Pair
Biotodoma cupido - £10
Apistogramma atuhualpa "Sunset" - £10 PAIR 1 left
Apistogramma barlowi / mouthbrooder - £12 PAIR
Apistogramma panduro - Male & Female PAIR - £12
Apistogramma jurensis - Females - £5
Pterophyllum scalare stunning XL Red Spotted Wild Peru Angels £20
XXL Heros severus - very special show fish these are stunning £85 ea
Scalare "Santa Izabell Red" super nice wild angels / huge size and very colourful £100

Osteoglossum bicirrhosum / Silver Arowana - £25
Acestrorhynchus falcatus "Red Tail Barracuda" 5-6" - nice predator £20
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 7" £150
Hyphessobrycon loretoensis / loreto tetra - 90p each
Leporinus fasciatus - £3.99 each
Hyphessobrycon robertsi / very pretty tetra 90p
Eques Pencilfish- 90p
Copella nigrofasciata Copeina Red-line splash tetra - 90p
Myleus sp. Blackberry only at Rare in the UK
Leporinus maculatus 6-8" - £25
Leporinus niceforoi 6-8" - £25
Leporinus steyermarki 6-8" - £25
Leporinus sp. New / Unknown 7" £35
Hemieleotris latifasciata - South America Goby / Wild Colombia 2" - £15
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
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Location 2: CREWE, Cheshire UK

Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

Something for the weekend Rare Aquatics Updated Stock list Buy in store open 10 am - 5pm or online for UK delivery www.rareaquatics.co.uk. Hosting PS&SUK Group Meet On Sunday The 6th 10% Discount On The Day

New Imports Now In Stock in addition to our current stock

L260 Queen Arabesque Females Only £47
L30 Peppermints
LDA33 Snowball Plecos
L29 Vampire Plecos Good Size
Discus / Xingu Yellow 6" - £67
L134 Peckoltia compta / Leopard Frog 3" £37
L18 Golden Nugget 4" - £27
L002 Panaque sp.Tiger 4"+ £25
Serrasalmus rhombeus True Black diamond Xingu Catch From 6" £100 several to select from
Corydoras adolfoi Large £12
Corydoras schwartzi Extra Large £5
Corydoras CW28 "Super schwartzi" / Extra Large - £19
Corydoras sterbai / Extra Large - £14
Ancistrus sp. green spots L349 / "Green Lantern" - £15 each
L226 Panaqolus changae - £15
L204 Flash panaque - £15
L090 Papa panaque "ojo chico" / Real papa - £45
L418 Panaque / Shampupa "Peru Green" - £75
Brochis splendens - £3
Corydoras C96 - £3
Corydoras arcuatus - £3
Corydoras sp? - £25
Corydoras C97 sychri luminose - £11
Corydoras trilineatus - £3
Corydoras orcesi "bonita" / beautiful cory - £25
Apistogramma bitaeniata "shushupe" - £15 PAIR
Apistogramma bitaeniata - £10 PAIR
Apistogramma norberti - £15 PAIR
Apistogramma melgar - £12 PAIR
Otocinclus sp. "Tiger" - £8
Otocinclus sp. "Vampiro" - £7
Otocinclus sp. "Cocamma" / zebra - £12
Planiloricaria cryptodon super nice whiptail - £40
Hypoptopoma sp. "Gigante" - £6
Hemigrammus sp. Tetra castell - £1
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma / Bleeding heart tetra - £1
Biotodoma cupido £10
Nannostomus rubrocaudatus / purple pencil fish - £8
Hydrolycus scomberoides yellow tail - £45
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish - £25
Sorubim lima shovel nose cat - £30
Colomesus asellus Peru puffer - £9
L091 Leporacanthicus sp. 3 Beacon 5" - £45
L191 Dull eye royal panaque 3" - £25
L398 Panaqulos sp. Xingu Large Rare £40
L168 Butterfly pleco 4-6" - £17
L387 Peckoltia sp. Orange / Black spots 2-3" - £20
LDA72 Ancistrus triradiatus 2-3" sexed pairs- £20
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25
Black ghost knife fish 4-5" - £12
Corydoras arcuatus - £3
Corydoras metae - £3
Rummy nose tetra - £1
Wild Rams - £5 Pair
Cardinal tetra ( small ) - 90p
Pimelodus blochii - £15
Flag Tail prochilodus 4" - £25
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi Red / Gold PAIR £20
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi Electric Blue PAIR £25
Scalare Black Angelfish £8
Scalare Blue Angelfish £9
Corydoras barbatus £10

L349 Ancistrus sp.Green Spotted "Green Lanterns" - Male and female pairs available £15 each
Otocinclus affinis 90p ea,
Ancistrus sp. Tapajos / very fine white spots 4-6cm - £9
Acanthicus adonis Peru 7" £40
Brochis multirradiatus ( XXL size ) - £12
Corydoras gold laser / Peru gold stripe - £6 each
Corydoras arcuatus, Large size £3.00 ea
Corydoras sp. Red Stripe CW23, Large size - £6.00 ea
Brochis splendens / Jumbo green cats, large size - £3.00 ea
Corydoras trilineatus - £3 ea

Bunocephalus coracoids / Banjo catfish - £5
Pseudohemiodon sp. - £30
Pterosturisoma microps / antenna catfish XL - £35
Platynematichthys notatus / Lince catfish 14-15" Perfect, healthy specimen - £450
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis "porthole catfish" 2-3" £9
Centromochlus schultzi - very good looking wood cat, rarely imported / Xingu 3 - 4" £20
Brachyrhamdia meesi - lovely little catfish £15
Platydoras armatulus - Humbug Catfish £9.99

Laetacara thayeri - £10
Apistogramma agassizi - £12 Pair
Apistogramma bitaeniata "shishita" - £15 Pair
Apistogramma cacatuoides - £10 Pair
Apistogramma oregon - £15 Pair
Biotodoma cupido - £10
Apistogramma panduro - Male & Female PAIR - £12
Apistogramma jurensis - Females - £5
Pterophyllum scalare stunning XL Red Spotted Wild Peru Angels £20
XXL Heros severus - very special show fish these are stunning £85 ea
Scalare "Santa Izabell Red" super nice wild angels / huge size and very colourful £100

Osteoglossum bicirrhosum / Silver Arowana - £25
Acestrorhynchus falcatus "Red Tail Barracuda" 5-6" - nice predator £20
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 7" £150
Hyphessobrycon loretoensis / loreto tetra - 90p each
Eques Pencilfish- 90p
Myleus sp. Blackberry only at Rare in the UK £100
Leporinus maculatus 6-8" - £25
Leporinus niceforoi 6-8" - £25
Leporinus steyermarki 6-8" - £25
Leporinus sp. New / Unknown 7" £35
Hemieleotris latifasciata - South America Goby / Wild Colombia 2" - £15

Full range of Top Brand Equipment, Frozen & Dry Food, Bogwood & Live Plants always in stock
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
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Location 2: CREWE, Cheshire UK

Re: Rare Aquatics Live Stock Updated List

Post by Nick Crane »

25th Oct 2013

UK Only Dedicated South American Tropical Fish Specialist Import & Retailer voted Catfish Retailers Of The Year 2011 & 2012 & 2013 Runner Up North West Retailer Runner Up PFK Readers Poll

Ordered directly for UK delivery from our online store www.rareaquatics.co.uk or by calling to our shop open 10 am to 5pm

Rare Aquatics
Unit 7 Atec Court
Lancaster Fields

Tel: 01270 589006

New Peru fishes Import
Apistogramma baenschi "Inka 50" - £15 Pair
Brochis multirradiatus XXL - £15
Corydoras C102 - XL - £4
Corydoras gold laser - £6
Gymnorhampichthys rondoni "mouse knifefish" - £17
Nannostomus rubrocaudatus / purple pencil fish - £8
L204 flash panaque - £17
Discus - red spotted greens / Large size 4"+ £59

Panaqolus sp. £40
Ancistrus sp. green spots L349 / "Green Lantern" - £30 Pair
L226 Panaqolus changae - £15
L418 Panaque / Shampupa "Peru Green" - £75
Otocinclus sp. "Cocamma" / zebra - £12
Planiloricaria cryptodon super nice whiptail - £40
Hypoptopoma sp. "Gigante" - £6
L091 Leporacanthicus sp. 3 Beacon 5" - £45
L191 Dull eye royal panaque 3" - £25
L398 Panaqulos sp. Xingu Large Rare £40
L18 Golden Nugget 4" - £27
L002 Panaque sp.Tiger 4"+ £25
LDA72 Ancistrus triradiatus 2-3" sexed pairs- £20
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25
Acanthicus adonis Peru 7" £40

Corydoras adolfoi Large £12
Corydoras schwartzi Extra Large £5
Corydoras CW28 "Super schwartzi" / Extra Large - £19
Corydoras sterbai / Extra Large - £14
Brochis splendens - £3
Corydoras arcuatus - £3
Corydoras sp? - £25
Corydoras C97 sychri luminose - £11
Corydoras trilineatus - £3
Corydoras gold laser / Peru gold stripe - £6 each

Pimelodus blochii - £15
Sorubim lima shovel nose cat - £30
Bunocephalus coracoids / Banjo catfish - £5
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis "porthole catfish" 2-3" £9
Centromochlus schultzi - very good looking wood cat, rarely imported / Xingu 3 - 4" £20
Brachyrhamdia meesi - lovely little catfish £15
Platydoras armatulus - Humbug Catfish £9.99

Apistogramma bitaeniata - £10 PAIR
Apistogramma norberti - £15 PAIR
Apistogramma melgar - £12 PAIR
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi Red / Gold PAIR £20
Scalare Black Angelfish £8
Scalare Blue Angelfish £6
Laetacara thayeri - £10
Apistogramma agassizi - £12 Pair
Apistogramma bitaeniata "shishita" - £15 Pair
Apistogramma cacatuoides - £10 Pair
Apistogramma oregon - £15 Pair
Biotodoma cupido - £10
Apistogramma panduro male £6
Apistogramma jurensis - Females - £5
Pterophyllum scalare stunning XL Red Spotted Wild Peru Angels £20

Flag Tail prochilodus 7" £70
Hemigrammus sp. Tetra castell - £1
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma Large Bleeding heart tetra - £1
Serrasalmus rhombeus True Golden diamond Xingu Catch 5- 6" £100 - £120 several to select from top quality
Black ghost knife fish 4-5" - £12
Hydrolycus scomberoides yellow tail - £45
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish - £25
Cardinal tetra ( small ) - 90p
Flag Tail prochilodus 4" £25
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum / Silver Arowana - £25
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 7" £150
Hyphessobrycon loretoensis loreto tetra £1 each
Eques Pencilfish- 90p
Myleus sp. Blackberry only at Rare in the UK £100
Leporinus various sp. 6-8" - £25
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
Posts: 121
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Location 2: CREWE, Cheshire UK

Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

New Peru Import In Stock

Apistogramma barlowi ( mouthbrooder ) - £12 Pair
Nannobrycon eques / pencil fish - £1
Nannostomus mortenthaleri / coral pencil - £7
Severum "Rotkeil" / Large size - £30
Scalare / Spotted, Large size - £25
L226 Panaqolus changae / adults - £15
L204 Panaque "flash" / adults - £17
Serrasalmus rhombeus 13" - £220
Spatuloricaria sp. huge size - £49

Discus / red spotted greens, small size 3-4" - £35 each or £150 for 5

LDA105 Pseudacanthicus sp. Typhoon £295 ONLY at Rare in Europe!!
L46 Hypancistrus zebra Wild Sexed Pairs £350

L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 7" "spiny monster" FEMALE £95
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 10" "spiny monster" MALE £125
Otocinclus £1
Hypancistrus sp. L66 "King Tiger" 4 - 5" one sexed pair left £70 the pair
Leporacanthicus heterodon Golden vampire pleco 5 - 6" £47 ONE LEFT
L24 Pseudacanthicus sp. super orange fin 9-10" - £175
Baryancistrus xanthellus "Golden Nugget" L177 3-4" £27 show condition
L106 Orange seam pleco 2-3" - £9
L128 Blue phantom pleco 3-4" - £25
L387 Peckoltia orange & black spots 3" £20
Panaqulos sp £40
L418 Panaque Shampupa "Peru Green" - £75 one left
Hypoptopoma sp. "Gigante" - £6
L191 Dull eye royal panaque 3" - £25
L398 Panaqulos sp. Xingu Large Rare £40
L002 Panaque sp.Tiger 4"+ £25
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25

Corydoras evelynae "Longnose" £200 each ONLY at Rare in Europe!!
Corydoras pygmaeus - £1
Brochis multirradiatus XXL - £15
Corydoras C102 - XL - £4
Corydoras adolfoi Large £12
Corydoras schwartzi Extra Large £5
Corydoras CW28 "Super schwartzi" / Extra Large - £19
Corydoras sterbai Extra Large - £14
Brochis splendens - £3
Corydoras arcuatus - £3
Corydoras gold laser Peru gold stripe - £6 each

Sorubim lima shovel nose cat - £30
Bunocephalus coracoids / Banjo catfish - £5
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis "porthole catfish" 2-3" £9
Platydoras armatulus - Humbug Catfish £9.99

Dicrossus filamentosus - £5 ( sexable )
Wild Rams - £5 ea
Satanoperca / Geophagus daemon 4-5" - £10
Geophagus altifrons 9" - £49 Resered
Geophagus altifrons 5" - £29
Santarem Altum - super nice wild angels 5" - £50
Discus - red spotted greens / Large size 4"+ £59
Apistogramma baenschi "Inka 50" - £15 Pair
Apistogramma bitaeniata - £10 PAIR
Apistogramma norberti - £15 PAIR
Scalare Black Angelfish £8
Laetacara thayeri - £10
Apistogramma agassizi - £12 Pair
Apistogramma bitaeniata "shishita" - £15 Pair
Apistogramma cacatuoides - £10 Pair
Apistogramma oregon - £15 Pair
Biotodoma cupido - £10
Apistogramma panduro £6
Apistogramma jurensis £5

Rummy nose tetra / Large - £1
Hemiodus gracilis 4" £5
Iguanodectes ( Red line ) 3" £5
Nannostomus rubrocaudatus purple pencil fish - £8
Hemigrammus sp. Tetra castell £1
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma Large Bleeding heart tetra - £1
Hyphessobrycon loretoensis loreto tetra £1 each

Leporinus fasciatus 4" £5
Hoplias malabaricus / Wolf fish 6 - 7" £39
Serrasalmus rhombeus True Golden diamond Xingu Catch 5 - 6" £100 - £120 various to select from
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish Large £70
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish - £25
Flag Tail prochilodus 7" £70
Flag Tail prochilodus 4" £25
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Silver Arowana - £25
Osteoglossum ferreira Black Arowana 15" £300 Rare Fish
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 7" £50

Full range of Top Brand Equipment, Frozen & Dry Food, Bogwood & Live Plants always in stock
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
Posts: 121
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My images: 7
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Location 2: CREWE, Cheshire UK

Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

New Peru Import

Apistogramma barlowi ( mouthbrooder ) - £12 Pair
Nannobrycon eques / pencil fish - £1
Nannostomus mortenthaleri / coral pencil - £7
Scalare / Spotted, Large size - £25
L226 Panaqolus changae / adults - £15
L204 Panaque flash / adults - £17
Serrasalmus rhombeus 15" - £280 RESERVED
Spatuloricaria sp. huge size - £49
Wild Peru Discus / red spotted greens, small size 3-4" - £35 each or £150 for 5

Special Offers Whilst Stocks Last

L204 Flash panaque in stock 3" - £17 each, £30 for 2, £39 for 3, £50 for 4

L177 Golden nuggets in stock 3-4" - £27 each, £48 for 2, £69 for 3, £88 for 4, £100 for 5

L226 Panaqolus changae 3 - 4" - £15 each, £28 for 2, £39 for 3, £48 for 4

L46 Hypancistrus Zebra Wild Sexed Pairs £350
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 7" spiny monster FEMALE £95
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 10" spiny monster MALE £125
Hypancistrus sp. L66 King Tiger 4 - 5" £35
Leporacanthicus heterodon Golden vampire pleco 5 - 6" £47 ONE LEFT
L24 Pseudacanthicus sp. super orange fin 9-10" - £175
Baryancistrus xanthellus Golden Nugget L177 3-4" £27 show condition
L106 Orange seam pleco 2-3" - £9
L128 Blue phantom pleco 3-4" - £25
L387 Peckoltia orange & black spots 3" £20
L418 Panaque Shampupa Peru Green - £75 one left
Hypoptopoma sp. Gigante - £5 2 left
L191 Dull eye royal panaque 3" - £25
L002 Panaque sp.Tiger 4"+ £25 - 2 left
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25

Corydoras evelynae Longnose £200 each ONLY at Rare in Europe!!
Corydoras pygmaeus - £1
Brochis multirradiatus XXL - £15
Corydoras adolfoi Large £12
Corydoras CW28 "Super schwartzi" / Extra Large - £19
Corydoras sterbai Extra Large - £14
Corydoras gold laser Peru gold stripe - £6 each

Sorubim lima shovel nose cat - £30
Bunocephalus coracoids / Banjo catfish - £5
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis porthole catfish 2-3" £9
Platydoras armatulus - Humbug Catfish £9.99

Dicrossus filamentosus - £5 ( sexable )
Wild Rams - £5 ea
Satanoperca / Geophagus daemon 4-5" - £10 FEW
Geophagus altifrons 9" - £49 Resered
Geophagus altifrons 5" - £29
Santarem Altum - super nice wild angels 5" - £50
Discus - red spotted greens / Large size 4"+ £59
Apistogramma baenschi "Inka 50" - £15 Pair
Apistogramma norberti - £15 PAIR
Scalare Black Angelfish £8
Laetacara thayeri - £10 FEW
Apistogramma agassizi - £12 Pair
Apistogramma bitaeniata "shishita" - £15 Pair
Apistogramma cacatuoides - £10 Pair
Apistogramma oregon - £15 Pair
Biotodoma cupido - £10
Apistogramma panduro £6
Apistogramma jurensis £5

Rummy nose tetra / Large - £1
Hemiodus gracilis 4" £5
Iguanodectes ( Red line ) 3" £5
Nannostomus rubrocaudatus purple pencil fish - £8
Hemigrammus sp. Tetra castell £1
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma Large Bleeding heart tetra - £1
Hyphessobrycon loretoensis loreto tetra £1 each

Leporinus fasciatus 4" £5
Hoplias malabaricus / Wolf fish 6 - 7" £39
Serrasalmus rhombeus True Golden diamond Xingu Catch 5 - 6" £100 - £120 various to select from
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish Large £70
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish - £25
Flag Tail prochilodus 7" £70
Flag Tail prochilodus 4" £25
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Silver Arowana - £25
Osteoglossum ferreira Black Arowana 15" £300 Rare Fish
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 7" £50

Full range of Top Brand Equipment, Frozen & Dry Food, Bogwood & Live Plants always in stock
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
Posts: 121
Joined: 07 Jul 2011, 15:07
My images: 7
My catfish: 49
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Spotted: 35
Location 1: CREWE, Cheshire UK
Location 2: CREWE, Cheshire UK

Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

New Rare Fish Import

L46 Hypancistrus zebra adults £350 pair large stunning examples
LDA105 Pseudacanthicus sp. Typhoon 2-3" - £295
L128 Blue phantom pleco 3-4" - £25
Exodon paradoxus Bucktooth Tetra 2" - £3
Myleus rubripinnis Red-hook silver dollar 4" - £15
Cardinal Tetra - £1
Poecilocharax weitzmani / weitzmani tetra, super nice £3
Corydoras evelynae super rare corydoras - £150
Hoplias curupira Real black wolf fish - various sizes 9-12" ( full details to follow )

Special Offers Whilst Stocks Last

L204 Flash panaque in stock 3" - £17 each, £30 for 2, £39 for 3, £50 for 4

L177 Golden nuggets in stock 3-4" - £27 each, £48 for 2, £69 for 3, £88 for 4, £100 for 5

L226 Panaqolus changae 3 - 4" - £15 each, £28 for 2, £39 for 3, £48 for 4

L226 Panaqolus changae / adults - £15
L204 Panaque flash / adults - £17
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 7" spiny monster FEMALE £95
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 10" spiny monster MALE £125
Hypancistrus sp. L66 King Tiger 4 - 5" £35
Leporacanthicus heterodon Golden vampire pleco 5 - 6" £47 ONE LEFT
L24 Pseudacanthicus sp. super orange fin 9-10" - £175
Baryancistrus xanthellus Golden Nugget L177 3-4" £27 show condition
L106 Orange seam pleco 2-3" - £9
L128 Blue phantom pleco 3-4" - £25
L387 Peckoltia orange & black spots 3" £20
L418 Panaque Shampupa Peru Green - £75 one left
Hypoptopoma sp. Gigante - £5 2 left
L191 Dull eye royal panaque 3" - £25
L002 Panaque sp.Tiger 4"+ £25 - 2 left
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25

Corydoras evelynae Longnose £200 each ONLY at Rare in Europe!!
Corydoras pygmaeus - £1
Brochis multirradiatus XXL - £15
Corydoras adolfoi Large £12
Corydoras CW28 "Super schwartzi" / Extra Large - £19
Corydoras sterbai Extra Large - £14
Corydoras gold laser Peru gold stripe - £6 each

Spatuloricaria sp. huge size - £49
Sorubim lima shovel nose cat - £30
Bunocephalus coracoids / Banjo catfish - £5
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis porthole catfish 2-3" £9
Platydoras armatulus - Humbug Catfish £9.99

Apistogramma barlowi mouthbrooder £12 Pair
Peru Scalare Spotted, Large size - £25
Wild Peru Discus / red spotted greens, small size 3-4" - £35 each or £150 for 5
Dicrossus filamentosus - £5 ( sexable )
Wild Rams - £5 ea
Satanoperca / Geophagus daemon 4-5" - £10 FEW
Geophagus altifrons 9" - £49 Resered
Geophagus altifrons 5" - £29
Santarem Altum - super nice wild angels 5" - £50
Discus - red spotted greens / Large size 4"+ £59
Apistogramma baenschi "Inka 50" - £15 Pair
Apistogramma norberti - £15 PAIR
Scalare Black Angelfish £8
Laetacara thayeri - £10 FEW
Apistogramma agassizi - £12 Pair
Apistogramma bitaeniata "shishita" - £15 Pair
Apistogramma cacatuoides - £10 Pair
Apistogramma oregon - £15 Pair
Biotodoma cupido - £10
Apistogramma panduro £6
Apistogramma jurensis £5

Nannobrycon eques / pencil fish - £1
Nannostomus mortenthaleri / coral pencil - £7
Rummy nose tetra / Large - £1
Hemiodus gracilis 4" £5
Iguanodectes ( Red line ) 3" £5
Nannostomus rubrocaudatus purple pencil fish - £8
Hemigrammus sp. Tetra castell £1
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma Large Bleeding heart tetra - £1
Hyphessobrycon loretoensis loreto tetra £1 each

Serrasalmus rhombeus 15" - £280 RESERVED
Leporinus fasciatus 4" £5
Hoplias malabaricus / Wolf fish 6 - 7" £39
Serrasalmus rhombeus True Golden diamond Xingu Catch 5 - 6" £100 - £120 various to select from
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish Large £70
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish - £25
Flag Tail prochilodus 7" £70
Flag Tail prochilodus 4" £25
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Silver Arowana - £25
Osteoglossum ferreira Black Arowana 15" £300 Rare Fish
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 7" £50

Full range of Top Brand Equipment, Frozen & Dry Food, Bogwood & Live Plants always in stock
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
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Joined: 08 Mar 2011, 11:48
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Location 2: Yorkshire

Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by iafr11 »

How big are your Apisto.Panduro and have you any males?

Nick Crane
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

They are an inch and a half yes makes in stock
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
Posts: 121
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

New Peru Import Now In Stock at Rare Aquatics

Brochis splendens / Jumbo green cats - £4
Corydoras trilineatus / large - £4
Corydoras C102 / extra large - £5
Corydoras agassizi / large - £4
Corydoras arcuatus / extra large - £3
Corydoras armatus - £4
Corydoras atropersonatus / large - £3
Corydoras leucomelas - £4
Corydoras panda / large size - £5
Corydoras punctatus / extra large - £3
Corydoras reticulatus / extra large - £4
Corydoras red laser / large - £5
Hypoptopoma sp / giant otocinclus - £5
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma / bleeding heart tetra - £1
Severum Rotkeil - £30
Mesonauta festivus / festive Cichlid - £6

L90 Ojo Chico Papa Panaque 6" £60
L333 Hypancsitrus sp. Xingu Catch large size £26
L333 Hypancsitrus sp. Rio Gurupa catch -Super pretty markings, adult size, both sexes available nice size 3 - 4" £26
L99 Peckoltia - Black with orange / red seams 5-6" both sexes available - £28 each
L226 Panaqolus changae 3 - 4" - £15 each
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 7" spiny monster FEMALE £95
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 10" spiny monster MALE £125
Leporacanthicus heterodon Golden vampire pleco 5 - 6" £47 ONE LEFT
Baryancistrus xanthellus Golden Nugget L177 3-4" £27 show condition
L106 Orange seam pleco 2-3" - £9
L128 Blue phantom pleco 3-4" - £25
L191 Dull eye royal panaque 3" - £25
L002 Panaque sp.Tiger 4"+ £25
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25

Large Wild Corydoras eques 2" - £12
Corydoras evelynae super rare corydoras £150 ONLY at Rare in Europe!
Corydoras evelynae Longnose £200 each ONLY at Rare in Europe!!
Corydoras pygmaeus - £1
Brochis multirradiatus XXL - £15
Corydoras sterbai Extra Large - £14
Corydoras gold laser Peru gold stripe - £6 each

Spatuloricaria sp. huge size - £49 1 Left
Sorubim lima shovel nose cat - £30
Bunocephalus coracoids / Banjo catfish - £5
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis porthole catfish 2-3" £9

Apistogramma barlowi mouthbrooder £12 Pair
Peru Scalare Spotted, Large size - £25
Wild Peru Discus / red spotted greens, small size 3-4" - £35 each or £150 for 5
Dicrossus filamentosus - £5 ( sexable )
Satanoperca / Geophagus daemon 4-5" - £10 FEW
Geophagus altifrons 9" - £49 Resered
Santarem Altum - super nice wild angels 5" - £50
Discus - red spotted greens / Large size 4"+ £59
Laetacara thayeri - £10 FEW
Apistogramma agassizi - £12 Pair
Apistogramma bitaeniata "shishita" - £15 Pair
Apistogramma cacatuoides - £10 Pair
Apistogramma oregon - £8
Apistogramma jurensis £5

Myleus rubripinnis Red-hook silver dollar 4" £15
Myleus rubripinnis Red-hook silver dollar 6" £25
Cardinal Tetra £1
Poecilocharax weitzmani / weitzmani tetra, super nice £3
Nannobrycon eques / pencil fish - £1
Nannostomus mortenthaleri / coral pencil - £7
Nannostomus rubrocaudatus purple pencil fish - £8
Hemiodus gracilis 4" £5
Iguanodectes ( Red line ) 3" £5

Hoplias malabaricus "Orange-eye" / Venezuela Wolf Fish 7 - 8"
Hoplias malabaricus "Orange-eye" / Venezuela Wolf Fish 5 - 6"
Leporinus fasciatus 4" £5
Serrasalmus rhombeus True Golden diamond Xingu Catch 5 - 6" £100 - £120 various to select from
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish Large £70
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish - £25
Flag Tail prochilodus 4" £25
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Silver Arowana - £25
Osteoglossum ferreira Black Arowana 15" £300 Rare Fish
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 6" £100

Full range of Top Brand Equipment, Frozen & Dry Food, Bogwood & Live Plants always in stock
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
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New In

Post by Nick Crane »

New In Stock

Black Ghost Knife Fish, Apteronotus albifrons XXL 10" £50
Geophagus altifrons £35
L14 Scobiancistrus Sunshine Pleco XL £75
L24 Pseudacanthicus Large 9" £150
L25 Pseudacanthicus Scarlet Pleco Seven Pointer £150
L47 Barayancistrus Mangnum Pleco £35
LDA33 Snowball Plecos £30 to £60 Sizes
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
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10% Off At Rare Aquatics This Weekend Only

Post by Nick Crane »

A very Happy New Year to all our customers

This weekend only we are offering a 10% discount this applys to all purchases made in store only.

Live fish delivery to your door £19 for as many fish as you like ordered directly from our online storewww.rareaquatics.co.uk or by calling to our shop open 10 am to 5pm

Dedicated South American Tropical Fish Specialist Import & Retailer voted Catfish Retailers Of The Year 2011 & 2012 & 2013 Runner Up North West Retailer Of The Year PFK Readers Poll

Rare Aquatics
Unit 7 Atec Court
Lancaster Fields

Tel: 01270 589006

L14 Scobiancistrus Sunshine Pleco XL £75
L24 Pseudacanthicus Large 9" £150
LDA33 Snowball Plecos £30 to £60 Sizes
Hypoptopoma sp / giant otocinclus - £5
L333 Hypancsitrus sp. Xingu Catch large size £26
L333 Hypancsitrus sp. Rio Gurupa catch -Super pretty markings, adult size, both sexes available nice size 3 - 4" £26
L99 Peckoltia - Black with orange / red seams 5-6" both sexes available - £28 each
L226 Panaqolus changae 3 - 4" - £15 each
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 7" spiny monster FEMALE £95
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 10" spiny monster MALE £125
Baryancistrus xanthellus Golden Nugget L177 3-4" £27 show condition
L106 Orange seam pleco 2-3" - £9
L128 Blue phantom pleco 3-4" - £25
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25

Brochis splendens / Jumbo green cats - £4
Corydoras trilineatus / large - £4
Corydoras C102 / extra large - £5
Corydoras agassizi / large - £4
Corydoras arcuatus / extra large - £3
Corydoras armatus - £4
Corydoras leucomelas - £4
Corydoras punctatus / extra large - £3
Corydoras reticulatus / extra large - £4
Large Wild Corydoras eques 2" - £12
Corydoras evelynae super rare corydoras £150 ONLY at Rare in Europe!
Corydoras evelynae Longnose £200 each ONLY at Rare in Europe!!
Brochis multirradiatus XXL - £15
Corydoras gold laser Peru gold stripe - £6 each

Spatuloricaria sp. huge size - £49 1 Left
Sorubim lima shovel nose cats - £30
Bunocephalus coracoids / Banjo catfish - £5
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis porthole catfish 2-3" £9

Geophagus altifrons £35
Severum Rotkeil - £30
Mesonauta festivus / festive Cichlid - £6
Apistogramma barlowi mouthbrooder £12 Pair
Peru Scalare Spotted, Large size - £25 (breeding in stock tank)
Wild Peru Discus / red spotted greens, small size 3-4" - £35 each or £150 for 5
Dicrossus filamentosus - £5 ( sexable )
Satanoperca / Geophagus daemon 4-5" - £10 FEW
Geophagus altifrons 9" - £49 Resered
Santarem Altum - super nice wild angels 5" - £50
Discus - red spotted greens / Large size 4"+ £59
Laetacara thayeri - £10 FEW
Apistogramma agassizi - £12 Pair
Apistogramma bitaeniata "shishita" - £15 Pair
Apistogramma cacatuoides - £10 Pair
Apistogramma oregon - £8
Apistogramma jurensis £5

Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma / bleeding heart tetra - £1
Myleus rubripinnis Red-hook silver dollar 4" £15
Myleus rubripinnis Red-hook silver dollar 6" £25
Cardinal Tetra £1
Poecilocharax weitzmani / weitzmani tetra, super nice £3
Nannobrycon eques / pencil fish - £1
Nannostomus mortenthaleri / coral pencil - £7
Nannostomus rubrocaudatus purple pencil fish - £8
Hemiodus gracilis 4" £5
Iguanodectes ( Red line ) 3" £5

Black Ghost Knife Fish, Apteronotus albifrons XXL 10" £50
Hoplias malabaricus "Orange-eye" / Venezuela Wolf Fish 7 - 8"
Hoplias malabaricus "Orange-eye" / Venezuela Wolf Fish 5 - 6"
Leporinus fasciatus 4" £5
Serrasalmus rhombeus True Golden diamond Xingu Catch 5 - 6" £100 - £120 various to select from
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish Large £70
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish - £25
Flag Tail prochilodus 4" £25
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Silver Arowana - £25
Osteoglossum ferreira Black Arowana 18" £300 Rare Fish
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 6" £100

Full range of Top Brand Equipment, Specialist Breeding Caves, Frozen & Dry Food, Bogwood & Live Plants always in stock
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Coryman »

I would like to see an image of the fish you are selling as C. punctatus. I ask because this fish has never been commercially available.

Nick Crane
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

Orinoco Pleco season has begun at Rare Aquatics

The below fish will be ready for collection or shipping from Thursday 30th January once quarantine and worming is complete

L239 Blue Fin panaque 3-4" - £23 sexed pairs £46
L201 Hypancistrus sp. 3-4" / adult males & females - £21 each sexed pair £42
L340 Hypancistrus sp. Mega Clown / adult males & females - £13 each sexed pairs £26
L199 Hypancistrus sp. / adult males & females - £22 each sexed pairs £44
L129 Hypancistrus sp. Colombian zebra - £13 each sexed pairs £26
L128 Blue Phantom 4-6" - £32
L128 Blue Pahntom 8-10" - £80
L200a Green Phantom "Hi-Fin" 4-6" - £31
L200a Green Phantom "Hi-Fin" 8"+ - £78
L200 Green Phantom 4-6" - £26
L200 Green Phantom 8-10" - £78
L240 Leporacanthicus sp. Galaxias 5-7" - £32
L091 Leporacanthicus sp. 3 Beacon 4-6" - £32
L190 Royal Panaque 5-6" - £26
L191 Dull Eye Royal Panaque 3" - £25
L075 Para pleco 4-5" - £29

All orders can be made directly from our online shop New Stock Page www.rareaquatics.co.uk or by calling me at our shop

More in stock..

L201 Hypancistrus Big Spot £21 ea large
XL L168 Butterfly Plecos £21 ea
L24 Pseudacanthicus Large 9" £150
LDA33 Snowball Plecos £30
Hypoptopoma sp / giant otocinclus - £5
L226 Panaqolus changae 3 - 4" - £15 each
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 7" spiny monster FEMALE £95
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 10" spiny monster MALE £125
L106 Orange seam pleco 2-3" - £9
L128 Blue phantom pleco 3-4" - £25
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25

Corydoras Black £12
Brochis splendens / Jumbo green cats - £4
Corydoras trilineatus / large - £4
Corydoras C102 / extra large - £5
Corydoras agassizi / large - £4
Corydoras arcuatus / extra large - £3
Corydoras armatus - £4
Corydoras leucomelas - £4
Corydoras punctatus / extra large - £3
Corydoras reticulatus / extra large - £4
Large Wild Corydoras eques 2" - £12
Corydoras evelynae super rare corydoras £90 ONLY at Rare in Europe!
Corydoras evelynae Longnose £150 each ONLY at Rare in Europe!!
Brochis multirradiatus XXL - £15
Corydoras gold laser Peru gold stripe - £6 each
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
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Interests: Cory's, Loricariids, photography and more Cory's

Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Coryman »

I would really like to see a picture of the C.punctatus, this is a fish that I have been trying to obtain for a long time, but I need to know it is the right fish before spending any money.

Nick Crane
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20% OFF

Post by Nick Crane »

A Huge thanks to you all we have smashed 6000 Facebook followers.

As a thank you back we are offering a 20% discount to run until midnight Sunday the 2nd this applies for purchases in store and online using the discount code facebook6000

Rare Aquatics
Unit 7 Atec Court
Lancaster Fields


Tel: 01270 589006

Lots Of New Import Now In Stock

Symphysodon aequifasciatus / Wild Yellow Discus Rio Xingu 6" - £70
Satanoperca acuticeps 4" - £25
Geophagus altifrons 4-5" - £25
Acarichthys heckelii - 3-4" - £20
L002 Panaque sp. Tiger 3-4" - £25
L004 Hypancistrus sp. 3-4" Males & Females available - £26 each
L015 Peckoltia vittata / Candy Stripe Rio Xingu 4" - £22
L025 Pseudacanthicus sp.Scarlet 8-10" - £175
L066 Hypancistrus sp.King Tiger 3-4" Males & Females available - £29
L075 Hemiancistrus sabajii / Para plec 5" - £29
L081 Baryancistrus / Stardust Golden Nugget Sao Felix 4-5" - £32

Corydoras C82 loxozonus Large or 6 for £26
Corydoras metae Large £4 ea or 6 for £19
Corydoras trilineatus Large £4 ea or 6 for £19
Flagtail Semaprochilodus Large £42
L340 Hypancistrus sp. Mega Clown / adult males & females - £13 each sexed pairs £26
L199 Hypancistrus sp. / adult males & females - £22 each sexed pairs £44
L129 Hypancistrus sp. Colombian zebra - £13 each sexed pairs £26
L128 Blue Phantom 4-6" - £32
L128 Blue Pahntom 8-10" - £80
L200a Green Phantom "Hi-Fin" 6" - £31
L200 Green Phantom 5" - £26
L240 Leporacanthicus sp. Galaxias 7" - £32
L091 Leporacanthicus sp. 3 Beacon 4" - £32
L190 Royal Panaque 8" - 9" £40
XL L168 Butterfly Plecos £21 ea
L226 Panaqolus changae 3 - 4" - £15 each
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 7" spiny monster FEMALE £95
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 10" spiny monster MALE £125
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25

Corydoras Black £12
Brochis splendens / Jumbo green cats - £4
Corydoras agassizi / large - £4
Corydoras armatus - £4
Corydoras leucomelas - £4
Large Wild Corydoras eques 2" - £12
Corydoras evelynae super rare corydoras £90 ONLY at Rare in Europe
Corydoras evelynae Longnose £150 each ONLY at Rare in Europe!!
Brochis multirradiatus XXL - £15

Sorubim lima shovel nose cat - £30
Bunocephalus coracoids / Banjo catfish - £5
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis porthole catfish 2-3" £9

Electric Blue Jack Dempsey £25
Scalare Angelfish - Black £10
Scalare Angelfish - Blue £10
Scalare Angelfish - Koi £10
Scalare Angelfish - Red £8
Geophagus altifrons £35
Mesonauta festivus / festive Cichlid - £6
Apistogramma barlowi mouthbrooder £6
Peru Scalare Spotted, Large size - £25
Wild Peru Discus / red spotted greens, small size 3-4" - £35 ea
Satanoperca / Geophagus daemon 4-5" - £10 FEW
Santarem Altum - super nice wild angels 5" - £50
Apistogramma agassizi - £8
Apistogramma cacatuoides - £5

Myleus spotted £20
Poecilocharax weitzmani / weitzmani tetra, super nice £3

Black Ghost Knife Fish, Apteronotus albifrons XXL 10" £50
Hoplias malabaricus "Orange-eye" / Venezuela Wolf Fish 7 - 8"
Hoplias malabaricus "Orange-eye" / Venezuela Wolf Fish 5 - 6"
Leporinus fasciatus 4" £5
Serrasalmus rhombeus True Golden diamond Xingu Catch 5 - 6" £100 - £120 various to select from
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish Large £70
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish - £25
Osteoglossum ferreira Black Arowana 18" £300 Rare Fish
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 6" £100
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

Rare Aquatics

Award Winning South American Tropical Fish Specialist

Whole UK including Northern Ireland Live fish delivery to you door £19 for as many fish as you like.

Rare Aquatics
Unit 7 Atec Court
Lancaster Fields


Tel: 01270 589006

L002 Panaque sp. Tiger 3-4" - £25
L004 Hypancistrus sp. 3-4" Males & Females available - £26 each
L015 Peckoltia vittata / Candy Stripe Rio Xingu 4" - £22
L066 Hypancistrus sp.King Tiger 3-4" Males & Females available - £29
L075 Hemiancistrus sabajii / Para plec 5" - £29
L081 Baryancistrus / Stardust Golden Nugget Sao Felix 4-5" - £32
L199 Hypancistrus sp. / adult males & females - £22 each sexed pairs £44
L128 Blue Phantom Large 5-6" - £32
L128 Blue Pahntom XXL 9-10" - £80
L200 Green Phantom Large 5" - £26
L240 Leporacanthicus sp. Galaxias 7" - £32
L091 Leporacanthicus sp. 3 Beacon 5" - £32
L190 Royal Panaque 8" - 9" £40
XL L168 Butterfly Plecos £21 ea
L226 Panaqolus changae 3 - 4" - £15 each
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 7" spiny monster FEMALE £95
L160 Pseudacanthicus spinosus 10" spiny monster MALE £125
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25

Corydoras C82 loxozonus Large or 6 for £26
Corydoras metae Large £4 ea or 6 for £19
Corydoras trilineatus Large £4 ea or 6 for £19
Corydoras Black £12
Brochis splendens / Jumbo green cats - £4
Corydoras trilineatus / large - £4
Corydoras agassizi / large - £4
Corydoras arcuatus / extra large - £3
Corydoras armatus - £4
Corydoras leucomelas - £4
Large Wild Corydoras eques 2" - £12
Corydoras evelynae super rare corydoras £90 ONLY at Rare in Europe
Corydoras evelynae Longnose £150 each ONLY at Rare in Europe!!
Brochis multirradiatus XXL - £15

Sorubim lima shovel nose cat - £30
Bunocephalus coracoids / Banjo catfish - £5
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis porthole catfish 2-3" £9

Symphysodon aequifasciatus / Wild Yellow Discus Rio Xingu 6" - £70
Satanoperca acuticeps 4" - £25
Geophagus altifrons 4-5" - £25
Acarichthys heckelii - 3-4" - £20
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey £25
Scalare Angelfish - Black £10
Scalare Angelfish - Blue £10
Scalare Angelfish - Koi £10
Scalare Angelfish - Red £8
Geophagus altifrons £35
Mesonauta festivus / festive Cichlid - £6
Apistogramma barlowi mouthbrooder £12 Pair
Peru Scalare Spotted, Large size - £25
Wild Peru Discus / red spotted greens, small size 3-4" - £35 each FEW
Satanoperca / Geophagus daemon 4-5" - £10 FEW
Santarem Altum - super nice wild angels 5" - £50
Apistogramma agassizi - £8
Apistogramma cacatuoides - £10 Pair

Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma / bleeding heart tetra XL £5
Myleus spotted £20
Cardinal Tetra £1
Poecilocharax weitzmani / weitzmani tetra, super nice £3

Flagtail Semaprochilodus 5 - 6" £42
Black Ghost Knife Fish, Apteronotus albifrons XXL 10" £50
Hoplias malabaricus "Orange-eye" / Venezuela Wolf Fish 7 - 8"
Hoplias malabaricus "Orange-eye" / Venezuela Wolf Fish 5 - 6"
Serrasalmus rhombeus True Golden diamond Xingu Catch 5 - 6" £100 various to select from
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish Large £70
Osteoglossum ferreira Black Arowana 18" £300 Rare Fish
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 6" £100
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
Posts: 121
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Location 2: CREWE, Cheshire UK

Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

Rare Aquatics

Award Winning South American Tropical Fish Specialist

Whole UK including Northern Ireland Live fish delivery to you door £19 for as many fish as you like.

Rare Aquatics
Unit 7 Atec Court
Lancaster Fields


Tel: 01270 589006

L46 Hypancistrus Zebra Adults PAIR £350
Unknown Leporacanthicus sp. Large £80
L201 Hypancistrus Pleco £21 ea
L002 Panaque sp. Tiger 3-4" - £25 ea Males & Females available
L004 Hypancistrus sp. 3-4" Males & Females available - £26 each
L015 Peckoltia vittata / Candy Stripe Rio Xingu 4" - £22 ea Males & Females available
L075 Hemiancistrus sabajii / Para plec 5" - £29
L081 Baryancistrus / Stardust Golden Nugget Sao Felix 4-5" - £32
L199 Hypancistrus sp. / adult males & females - £22 ea Males & Females available
L128 Blue Phantom Large 5-6" - £32 Males & Females available
L128 Blue Pahntom XXL 9-10" - £80
L200 Green Phantom Large 5" - £26 Males & Females available
L240 Leporacanthicus sp. Galaxias 7" - £32 Males & Females available
L091 Leporacanthicus sp. 3 Beacon 5" - £32 FEW
L190 Royal Panaque 8" - 9" £40 1 ONLY
XL L168 Butterfly Plecos £21 ea Males & Females available
L226 Panaqolus changae 3 - 4" - £15 each
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25

Corydoras C82 loxozonus £5
Corydoras metae £4 ea
Corydoras trilineatus £4 ea or 6 for £19
Corydoras Black £12
Brochis splendens / Jumbo green cats - £4
Corydoras agassizi - £4
Corydoras armatus - £4
Corydoras leucomelas - £4
Large Wild Corydoras eques 2" - £12
Corydoras evelynae super rare corydoras £90 ONLY at Rare in Europe
Corydoras evelynae Longnose £150 each ONLY at Rare in Europe!!
Brochis multirradiatus XXL - £15

Sorubim lima shovel nose cat - £30
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis porthole catfish 2-3" £9

Satanoperca jurupari Large PAIR £80
Symphysodon aequifasciatus / Wild Yellow Discus Rio Xingu 6" - £70
Satanoperca acuticeps 4" - £25
Geophagus altifrons 4-5" - £25
Acarichthys heckelii - 3-4" - £20
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey £25
Geophagus altifrons £35
Apistogramma barlowi mouthbrooder £6 ea
Peru Scalare Spotted, Large size - £25
Satanoperca / Geophagus daemon 4-5" - £10 FEW
Santarem Altum - super nice wild angels 5" - £50
Apistogramma agassizi - £8
Apistogramma cacatuoides - £10 Pair

Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma / bleeding heart tetra XL £5
Myleus spotted £20
Cardinal Tetra £1
Poecilocharax weitzmani / weitzmani tetra, super nice £3

Flagtail Semaprochilodus 5 - 6" £42
Black Ghost Knife Fish, Apteronotus albifrons XXL 10" £50
Hoplias malabaricus "Orange-eye" / Venezuela Wolf Fish 7 - 8"
Hoplias malabaricus "Orange-eye" / Venezuela Wolf Fish 5 - 6"
Serrasalmus rhombeus True Golden diamond Xingu Catch 5 - 6" £100 various to select from
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish Large £70
Osteoglossum ferreira Black Arowana 18" £300 Rare Fish
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 6" £100
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

Rare Aquatics

Award Winning South American Tropical Fish Specialist

Whole UK including Northern Ireland Live fish delivery to you door £19 for as many fish as you like.

Rare Aquatics
Unit 7 Atec Court
Lancaster Fields


Tel: 01270 589006

New Imports Ready for Delivery From Next Friday (21st) in addition to our current stock below
Corydoras habrosus £1.99
Corydoras melini £4
Corydoras reynoldsi Longnose
Rummi Nose Tetra £1.50
L91 Leporacanthicus tracts Three Beacon Plecos £32
L129 Hypancistrus Colombian Zebra Pleco £13
L200a Green Phantom Hi-Fin £31
L201 Hypancistrus sp. Pleco £21
L239 Blue Fin Panaque £23
L340 Hypancistrus Mega Clown Pleco £13
L387 Peckoltia sp. Orange / Black Pleco £25
LDA72 Ancistrus triradiatus £9.99
Leporacanthicus triactis Dragon Fin £60
Otocinclus affinis, Otto £1.50
L75 Para Pleco £25
L190 Royal Panaque Large £40
Hemiodus gracilis Large size £5
Iguanodectes sp Red Line Lizard Tetra £6
Diamond Tetra - Moenkhausia pittieri Large £5
Nannostomus eques - Eques Pencilfish £1.99
Nannostomus trifasciatus -Three Striped Pencilfish £1.99
Dicrossus filamentosus £10 Pair
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi wild Ram £10 Pair
Biotodoma cupido £9.99
Sturisoma tenuirostre Whiptail Catfish
Boulengerella lateristriga Striped pike-characin
Blue Acara
Crenicichla sp Blood tear Pike Cichlid
Crenicichla sp Red Head Pike Cichlid
Crenicichla sp Yellow Pike Cichlid
Heros severus
Hoplarchus psittacus True Wild Parrot fish
Uaru fernandezyepezi Panda Uaru
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Silver Arawana Small
Pterophyllum altum Ready in 2 - 3 weeks
New Species Hypancistrus sp 1
New Species Hypancistrus sp 2
New Species Hypancistrus sp.3
New Species Hypancistrus Black (Ninja)
New Species Leporacanthicus sp. 1
New Species Leporacanthicus sp. 2
New Species Leporacanthicus sp. 3
New Species Panaque sp Medium & XL
Blue Eyed Panaques

L46 Hypancistrus Zebra Pleco £350 per pair
New Species Pseudacanthicus Yellow Points 8 - 9" £80
L002 Panaque sp. Tiger 3-4" - £25
L004 Hypancistrus sp. 3-4" Males & Females available - £26 ea
L015 Peckoltia vittata / Candy Stripe Rio Xingu 4" - £22
L075 Hemiancistrus sabajii / Para plec 5" - £29
L081 Baryancistrus / Stardust Golden Nugget Sao Felix 4-5" - £32
L199 Hypancistrus sp. / adult males & females - £22 ea
L128 Blue Phantom Large 5-6" - £32
L128 Blue Pahntom XXL 9-10" - £80 You will not find bigger
L200 Green Phantom Large 5" - £26
L240 Leporacanthicus sp. Galaxias 7" - £32
L091 Leporacanthicus sp. 3 Beacon 5" - £32
L190 Royal Panaque 5 - 6" £40
Panaque Royal sp. £25
XL L168 Butterfly Plecos £21 ea
L226 Panaqolus changae 3 - 4" - £15 each
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25

Corydoras C82 loxozonus £5
Corydoras metae Large £4 ea
Corydoras trilineatus Large £4 ea or 6 for £19
Corydoras Black £12
Brochis splendens / Jumbo green cats - £4
Corydoras agassizi / large - £4
Corydoras armatus - £4
Corydoras leucomelas - £4
Large Wild Corydoras eques 2" - £12
Corydoras evelynae Longnose £150 each ONLY at Rare in Europe!!
Brochis multirradiatus XXL - £15

Sorubim lima shovel nose cat - £30
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis porthole catfish 2-3" £9

Geophagus altifrons 6"+ £35
Satanoperca acuticeps 4" - £25
Geophagus altifrons 4-5" - £25
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey £25
Geophagus altifrons £35
Mesonauta festivus / festive Cichlid - £6
Apistogramma barlowi mouthbrooder £6 Pair
Peru Scalare Spotted, Large size - £25
Satanoperca / Geophagus daemon 4-5" - £10 FEW
Santarem Altum - super nice wild angels 5" - £50
Apistogramma agassizi - £8

Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma / bleeding heart tetra XL £5
Myleus spotted £20
Myleus Red Hook £20
Cardinal Tetra £1
Poecilocharax weitzmani / weitzmani tetra, super nice £3

Flagtail Semaprochilodus 5 - 6" £42
Black Ghost Knife Fish, Apteronotus albifrons XXL 10" £50
Hoplias malabaricus "Orange-eye" / Venezuela Wolf Fish 7 - 8"
Hoplias malabaricus "Orange-eye" / Venezuela Wolf Fish 5 - 6"
Serrasalmus rhombeus True Golden diamond Xingu Catch 5 - 6" £100 various to select from
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish Large £70
Osteoglossum ferreira Black Arowana 18" £300 Rare Fish
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 6" £100
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

Rare Aquatics massive selection of L Numbers & rare fish

L239 Blue Fin Panaque Plecos Adults 3" - £26
LDA72 Ancistrus triradiatus wild bristlenose Plecos Adults Males & Females available - £12
L200 Green Phantom Hi-Fin Plecos Gold-green, amazing quality 4" - £31
L200 Green Phantom Pecos Large size 5" - £26
L200 Green Phantom XL Giant size 9-11" £80 very special fish, biggest around
L201 Hypancistrus sp. adults big spots & small spots - £21
L240 Leporacanthicus galaxias 9"+ - £80 super display fish
L129 Hypancistrus sp. Colombian zebra Pleco £13
L340 Hypancistrus sp. True L340 Mega Clown - £13
L091 Leporacanthicus sp.Triactis / Three Beacon Plecos 4-5" - £32
L190 Panaque nigrolineatus / Royal Panaque Plecos 6" - £40
L387 Peckoltia sp.Plecos Orange & Black adults - £25
L75 Peckoltia sabajii Para plecos Super Colouration, bright yellow - £29
L75 Peckoltia sabajii Para plecs 9-11" rare size show fish - £80
Leporacanthicus sp. machado / NEW Only 1 pc. - £60
Leporacanthicus sp. quintero / NEW Only 2 left £50
Leporacanthicus sp. verreos / NEW Only 5 pcs. - £50
Leporacanthicus sp. naranjo / NEW £45
Leporacanthicus sp. sanoja / NEW Only 1 pc. - £60
Leporacanthicus sp. peralta / NEW Only 13 pcs. - £45
Leporacanthicus sp. Atabapo 1 / NEW Only 2 pcs. - £60
Leporacanthicus sp. Atabapo 2 / NEW Only 2 pcs. - £60
Hypancistrus sp. moncada / NEW Only 8 - £40
Panaque sp. Atabapo Plecos NEW £65
Corydoras habrosus pretty dwarf Cory - £1.99
Corydoras melini - £4
Corydoras metae - £4
Corydoras sp. Special Cory - £30
Lamontichthys sp. Whiptail £26
Crenicichla sp. Blood Tear NEW / amazing Pike Cichlid £100 each
Crenicichla sp. Yellow NEW / beautiful coloured Pike Cichlid £110 each
Hoplarchus psittacus / True wild parrot fish - £35
Biotodoma cupido / Cupid Cichlid - £12
Dicrossus filamentosus / Checkerboard Cichlid - £5
Moenkhausia pittieri / Real Diamond Tetra, Lake Valencia, Super Rare - £5
Hemiodus gracilis Red Tail - £5
Osteoglossum ferreira - Black Arowana Small £45
Nannostomus eques - £2
Nannostomus marilynae Green Stripe Pencilfish £4
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi / Colombia Rams, Males & Females - £5 each
Hemigrammus rhodostomus / Colombia rummi-nose tetra - £1.50

L46 Hypancistrus Zebra Pleco £350 per pair SOLD
New Species Pseudacanthicus Yellow Points 8 - 9" £80
L002 Panaque sp. Tiger 3-4" - £25
L004 Hypancistrus sp. 3-4" Males & Females available £26 ea
L015 Peckoltia vittata / Candy Stripe Rio Xingu 4" - £22
L081 Baryancistrus / Stardust Golden Nugget Sao Felix 4-5" - £32
L199 Hypancistrus sp. / adult males & females - £22 ea
L128 Blue Phantom Large 5-6" - £32
L128 Blue Pahntom XXL 9-10" - £80 You will not find bigger
L200 Green Phantom Large 5" - £26
L240 Leporacanthicus sp. Galaxias 7" - £32
Panaque Royal sp. £25
L168 Butterfly Plecos £21 ea
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25

Corydoras trilineatus Large £4 ea or 6 for £19
Corydoras agassizi large - £4
Corydoras armatus - £4
Corydoras leucomelas - £4
Large Wild Corydoras eques Large - £12
Corydoras evelynae Longnose £150 each ONLY at Rare in Europe!!
Brochis multirradiatus XXL - £15

Sorubim lima shovel nose cat - £30
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis porthole catfish 2-3" £9

Geophagus altifrons 6"+ £35
Satanoperca acuticeps 4" - £25
Geophagus altifrons 4-5" - £25
Apistogramma barlowi mouthbrooder £6 Pair
Peru Scalare Spotted, Large size - £25
Satanoperca / Geophagus daemon 4-5" - £10 FEW
Santarem Altum - super nice wild angels 5" - £50
Apistogramma agassizi - £8

Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma / bleeding heart tetra XL £5
Myleus spotted £20
Myleus Red Hook £20
Poecilocharax weitzmani / weitzmani tetra, super nice £3

Flagtail Semaprochilodus small £25
Flagtail Semaprochilodus 6" £42
Black Ghost Knife Fish, Apteronotus albifrons XXL 10" £50
Hoplias curupira True Black Wolf 16" £300
Serrasalmus rhombeus True Golden diamond Xingu Catch 5 - 6" £100 various to select from
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish Large £70
Osteoglossum ferreira Black Arowana 18" £300 Rare Fish
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 6" £100
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »

Do you have images of

Leporacanthicus sp. machado / NEW Only 1 pc. - £60
Leporacanthicus sp. quintero / NEW Only 2 left £50
Leporacanthicus sp. verreos / NEW Only 5 pcs. - £50
Leporacanthicus sp. naranjo / NEW £45
Leporacanthicus sp. sanoja / NEW Only 1 pc. - £60
Leporacanthicus sp. peralta / NEW Only 13 pcs. - £45
Leporacanthicus sp. Atabapo 1 / NEW Only 2 pcs. - £60
Leporacanthicus sp. Atabapo 2 / NEW Only 2 pcs. - £60

Never heard of these ones!
Guardians Of Catfish
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Valb68 »

AHHHHH! I really need female Corydoras Green Laser........... and you're in the UK. Anybody know of some in the US? Have two lone males in need of a woman :d
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by CoryWally »

There's some pics of Leporacanthicus 'sanoja ' and 'naranjo' on their Facebook site.
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Richard B »

CoryWally wrote:There's some pics of Leporacanthicus 'sanoja ' and 'naranjo' on their Facebook site.
look for pics dated wednesday at 22.42

Also pic of 'cueche' in amongst sunday at 20.34
Lou: Every young man's fantasy is to have a three-way.
Jacob: Yeah not with another fu**!ng guy!
Lou: It's still a three-way!

Hot Tub Time Machine: 2010
Nick Crane
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »


Sorry I don't receive notifications of posts for some reason I will upload some photos when back at work.
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
Nick Crane
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Re: Rare Aquatics

Post by Nick Crane »

NEW Brazil Imports

L260 Hypancistrus sp.Queen Arabesque / adults - £49
L305 Peckoltia braueri 3-4” - £44
LDA007 Pseudacanthicus sp. full orange tail / fins - 10” - £200 special fish
L24 Pseudacanthicus sp. Rio Tucuri full orange tail / fins - £200 special fish
Discus Heckel NHAMUNDA large size - £85
Screlomystax prionotus 4-6cm - £15
Corydoras natteri 4-6cm - £9
Corydoras haraldschultzi 4-6cm - £10
Corydoras sterbail 6cm - £12
Corydoras oiapoquensis 4cm - £16
Corydoras serratus 6-7cm - £35 super nice
Corydoras super arcuatus / longnose 8cm - £25 great size
Corydoras super pulcher 7cm - £19
Corydoras adolfoi 4cm - £12

NEW Peru Imports

Brochis splendens / emerald green cats XL - £5
Corydoras semiaquilus "Black" XL - £15
Corydoras C102 XL - £5
Corydoras loreto / super pretty little cory - £5
Corydoras orcesi / bonita - the prettiest cory! XL - £25
Corydoras C53 XL - £12
Severum Rotkeil 5-6" - £35
Pseudohemiodon sp. 6" - £25
Discus / Red Spotted Green 4-5" - £35
Discus / Red Spotted Green 6" - £45
XL Cardinal Tetras £2

LDA72 Ancistrus triradiatus / Adults / Males and Females available - £12
L200 Green Phantom Hi-Fin / Gold-green, amazing quality 4" - £31
L200 Green Phantom / Large size 4-5" - £26
L200 Green Phantom / Giant size 8 - 9" - £80 very special fish, biggest around
L201 Hypancistrus sp. Orinoco Angel Pleco Large £21
L240 Leporacanthicus galaxias 9-11" - £80 super display fish
L129 Hypancistrus sp. / Colombian zebra / adults - £13
L340 Hypancistrus sp. / True 340 Mega Clown - £13
L091 Leporacanthicus sp.Triactis / Three Beacon 4-5" - £32
L190 Panaque nigrolineatus / Royal Panaque 6-8" - £40
L387 Peckoltia sp.Colombia / Orange & Black / adults - £25
L75 Peckoltia sabajii / Para plec / Super Colouration, bright yellow- £29
L75 Peckoltia sabajii / Para plec 9-11" rare size show fish - £80
Leporacanthicus sp. machado / NEW £60
Leporacanthicus sp. quintero / NEW £50 (1 LEFT)
Leporacanthicus sp. verreos / NEW £50
Leporacanthicus sp. naranjo / NEW £45
Leporacanthicus sp. sanoja / NEW £60
Leporacanthicus sp. peralta / NEW £45
Leporacanthicus sp. cueche / NEW (1 left)
Leporacanthicus sp. Atabapo 1 - £60
Leporacanthicus sp. Atabapo II. - £60
Hypancistrus sp. moncada / NEW - £40
Panaque sp. Atabapo / NEW - small - medium - £40
Panaque sp. L27 £65
LDA105 Pseudacanthicus Typhoon £300 ea (The only for sale in Europe)
New Species Pseudacanthicus Yellow Points 8 - 9" £80
L002 Panaque sp. Tiger 3-4" - £25
L004 Hypancistrus sp. 3-4" Males & Females available - £26 ea
L081 Baryancistrus / Stardust Golden Nugget Sao Felix 4-5" - £32
L128 Blue Phantom Large 5-6" - £32
L128 Blue Pahntom XXL 9-10" - £80 You will not find bigger
L200 Green Phantom Large 5 - 6" - £26
L091 Leporacanthicus sp. 3 Beacon 5" - £32
L190 Royal Panaque 5 - 6" £40
Panaque Royal sp. £25
L52 Butterfly Plecos £17 ea
Pseudolithoxus sp. Atabapo diamond 2-3" - £25
Lamontichthys sp. Whiptail £26

Corydoras habrosus / pretty dwarf Cory - £1.99
Corydoras melini - £4 or 6 for £20
Corydoras metae - £4 or 6 for £20
Corydoras sp. CW12 Very Special Cory - £30
Corydoras trilineatus Large £4 ea or 6 for £19
Corydoras armatus - £4
Corydoras leucomelas - £4
Large Wild Corydoras eques Large - £12
Corydoras evelynae Longnose £150 each ONLY at Rare in Europe!!
Brochis multirradiatus XXL - £15

Sorubim lima shovel nose cat - £30
Nemadoras elongatus Nice small cat from Brazil 2-3" - £13
Pimelodella gracillis Peru 3" - £12
Dianema longibarbis porthole catfish 2-3" £9
Lamontichthys sp. Whiptail £26

Crenicichla sp. Blood Tear NEW / amazing Pike Cichlid from Venezuela £100 each
Crenicichla sp. Yellow NEW / beautiful coloured Pike Cichlid £110 each
Hoplarchus psittacus / True wild parrot fish - £35
Dicrossus filamentosus / Checkerboard Cichlid - £5
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi / Colombia Rams, Males & Females - £5 each
Geophagus altifrons Large £35
Satanoperca acuticeps 4" - £25
Geophagus altifrons Medium - £25
Peru Scalare Spotted, Large size - £25
Satanoperca / Geophagus daemon 4-5" - £10 FEW
Santarem Altum - super nice wild angels 5" - £50

Moenkhausia pittieri / Real Diamond Tetra, Lake Valencia, Super Rare - £5
Hemiodus gracilis Red Tail - £5
Nannostomus eques - £2
Hemigrammus rhodostomus / Colombia rummi-nose tetra - £1.50
Myleus spotted £20
Myleus Red Hook £20
Poecilocharax weitzmani / weitzmani tetra, super nice £3

Osteoglossum ferreira - Black Arowana Small £45
Flagtail Semaprochilodus Small £25
Flagtail Semaprochilodus 5 - 6" £42
Black Ghost Knife Fish, Apteronotus albifrons XXL 10" £50
Hoplias curupira True Black Wolf 16" £300
Serrasalmus rhombeus True Golden diamond Xingu Catch 5 - 6" £100 various to select from
Erythrinus erythrinus red wolf fish Large £70
Osteoglossum ferreira Black Arowana 18" £300 Rare Fish
Serrasalmus notatus ( "Real" notatus ) Rare approx 6" £100
Rare Aquatics Crewe, Cheshire UK
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