suspect l333

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suspect l333

Post by ev0lu7i0n »

Got told its a l333 however I thought they all have squiggly lines this one has straight? Any help apreaciated ty
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Re: suspect l333

Post by plecoboy »

Looks like one to me, the lines will twist out over time.
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Re: suspect l333

Post by ev0lu7i0n »

They will twist out over time u say, that is very interesting , so definate 333, thank you for ur reasurance mate, my first l333 ; D
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Re: suspect l333

Post by Karsten S. »


ID'ing a wormlined hypancistrus at this age is not possible unless you have a magical glass bowl at hand...
If someone has seen adults of the same strain then he might be able to tell.
But as you seem to have some doubts about the original ID I would say "possibly L 333" but not "definitely".

There are so many more possible hypancistrus species/forms that I think no one can really exclude just by looking at pictures.


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Re: suspect l333

Post by ev0lu7i0n »

Thank you for your reply im fairly new to plecs but I love finding out all the infomation I can and I cant get enough of learning about these fish, I was unaware that the line pattern can change through maturity, I had expected it to just get bigger thicker lines with the pattern the same, thanks for your reply, love these fish big time atm
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Re: suspect l333

Post by racoll »

In my experience---albeit mostly of the UK trade---real are rare. Fish sold as these are much more likely to be something else (, , etc). I only remember seeing an authentic one just a couple of times.
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Re: suspect l333

Post by ev0lu7i0n »

Oh wow that sounds mad, the aquarist shop I bought this one from had about 6 so called l333 the rest had squiggly line patterns but this one I purchased was the whitest and had the darkest bolder lines, I took this as a sighn of good health and was curiouse about the straighter different line markings interested in finding out exactly what he is, cant wait till this getts more mature
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