Microglanis Iheringi behaviour

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Microglanis Iheringi behaviour

Post by Atmichaels »

I've kept 3 iheringi in a 20 gallon for a little over a year now. True to their nature, I rarely see them except for nighttime feedings or if I sneak into the room after lights out. However, over the past couple of weeks the big female has been coming out of her cave after the tank lights are out but while the room lights are still on. She will do a few laps around the tank and then swim vertical circles up against one of the walls/front. She'll circle for a few minutes and then rest for a few and then circle again. This goes on for 1/2 an hour or so. Sometimes the male will follow her around a bit. Has anyone seen anything like this?

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Re: Microglanis Iheringi behaviour

Post by Shane »

I have seen this same behaviour in pimelodids and bagrids. Years ago when I first noted it (with Mystus) I was hopeful it might be associated with spawning behavior. Unfortunately that has never been the case. So in short, I have seen the same thing but can't tell you why they do it.
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Re: Microglanis Iheringi behaviour

Post by DutchFry »

i have also seen this behavior but with Akysis. later on this progressed into some sort of embracement of the female by the male, clinging on to her with his pectoral fins after which the female released some eggs. the male and female always ate all of the eggs straight away and it happened in the same corner of the tank each time. i never tried to collect the eggs unfortunately
Greetings, Tim
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Re: Microglanis Iheringi behaviour

Post by Atmichaels »

Thank you Shane and Tim. I appreciate your feedback! Whatever the reason, it's very entertaining.
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