Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
I have a pleco I cant find any info on online but was sold as a false vittata, please see in this link.......this is also a link to my youtube channel.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAR5XobucVg
hope you guys can help, I love this pleco and would like to breed them, I think mine is a female if the sexing is the same as peckoltia vittata of course, whch that case I think mine is a female, they are fairly hard to come by here in south west U.K they pop up from time to time, apparently coming in a shipment of vittata on the odd occassion
I think you are right spot on with the L206, however mine has finials trailing from the tail fin top and bottom like veiltail angels do, cant see if thats the case in the L206 photo you provided but I'll check out the profile now....she hides away alot and rarely is out to get a picture, will try tho, thanks
apart from being colour blind I would say exactly that she or he is a L206, thank you !! When I first had one 4 years ago that sadly died due to my amatuer ways back then I found info online that a false vittata was a false clown pleco but now like I say I cant find any info which really confused me, but I knew someone would know here !! thank you, guess I better try get a few more, looking for some breeding tanks atm for a tank room in my flat, looks like have found 3 24 x 18 x 15, just need to find a vertical stand to suit and get my spare canister rebuilt.......
regarding the tailfin, most panaque/panaqolus will have a nice long extension on the tail fins like angels do. My young L271's have it and they are 3" or less (even the small 1.5" sl ones have it started)
nvcichlids wrote:regarding the tailfin, most panaque/panaqolus will have a nice long extension on the tail fins like angels do. My young L271's have it and they are 3" or less (even the small 1.5" sl ones have it started)
have noticed actually ! my knowledge is quite basic really but have been keeping fish now since 2009, I had original and kept knowledge from when I was a kid and keeping tabs on local shops, popping in from time to time, I went through the keeping large cichlids and catfish, never really got into them as such and dont think its great to keep them in aquaria, like for instance oscars, kept like pitbulls in cages when in the wild they have 7 square metres of territory and like for instance shovelnose catfish which are migratory spawning fish from vast rivers.....I have an idealism of fish keeping.....hence why I adore small exotic type pleco and am also currently breeding apistogramma and endlers...