Pseudacanthicus Spinosus sexing

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Pseudacanthicus Spinosus sexing

Post by husky_jim »

Hello to all,

Was cleaning tanks today and took out my Spinosus in order to sex them.

What do you think?

I think that,

Fish 1 is a gravid female

Fish 2 is (???) I hope male - coloration is lighter and more intense than the other two

Fish 3 is a female






Note that i got these fish at 10cm TL and that time they where the same size.The gravid female is 18cm TL now and the male in question is 16cm TL.

Don't tell me that HE is actually SHE cause i ll kill myself for not getting one from Deister Aquaristik on the L-Number Days....
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Re: Pseudacanthicus Spinosus sexing

Post by Triactis Trainer »

I remember Ingo Seidel giving a speech about them at the east coast monster fish konvention this past fall and he said one of the most definitive ways is the shape of the ventral fins and whether they make a bell shape in them or teardrop or if they made a straight line instead. The only thing is I forget which one is the male and female.
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Re: Pseudacanthicus Spinosus sexing

Post by Triactis Trainer »

I remember Ingo Seidel giving a speech about them at the east coast monster fish konvention this past fall and he said one of the most definitive ways is the shape of the ventral fins and whether they make a bell shape in them or teardrop or if they made a straight line instead. The only thing is I forget which one is the male and female.
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Re: Pseudacanthicus Spinosus sexing

Post by husky_jim »

Triactis Trainer wrote:I remember Ingo Seidel giving a speech about them at the east coast monster fish konvention this past fall and he said one of the most definitive ways is the shape of the ventral fins and whether they make a bell shape in them or teardrop or if they made a straight line instead. The only thing is I forget which one is the male and female.

I agree on Ingo's theory thas one of the reasons i think No2 is a male but wanted also other opinions....Note also (it's not clear on the pics) that No2 is 'hairier' than the other two.
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Re: Pseudacanthicus Spinosus sexing

Post by Triactis Trainer »

I would agree that #2 is a male as the odontodes are mush larger and come in thcker on the tail and the rest of the body than the other 2 and he looks to have a broader head which could also be indicative of a male. Mine are only about 3.5" now so it'll be awhile for them, but good luck with them!
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Re: Pseudacanthicus Spinosus sexing

Post by johni »


I see 3 females.

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Re: Pseudacanthicus Spinosus sexing

Post by Triactis Trainer »

Also, what size are they?
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