Synodontis lucipinnis in Scotland or courier

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Synodontis lucipinnis in Scotland or courier

Post by craigc »

I got a group of what I thought were lucipinnis a few years ago but I'm now not so sure (look very like the last one in this post ... 13&t=39321). Does anyone have the real McCoy out there? Seems to be hard to locate non-hybrids. I know that Mikes rifts sometimes have these but none in just now. Live near Edinburgh.
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Re: Synodontis lucipinnis in Scotland or courier

Post by Richard B »

They seem fairly available, at least south of the border. 07956327665 advetised 'petricola' F1 which may well be Lucipinnis or a guy in Gloucestershire is breeding them & although advertised as pick up, may courier at your expense - advertised on ebay
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Re: Synodontis lucipinnis in Scotland or courier

Post by Jools »

The majority of fish I see in shops in Synodontis lucipinnis or petricola I see in Scotland are hybrids. However, they are rarely sold at "proper" prices. Unless you're on good terms with shop management, they're unlikely to bring anything pricer in. Your best bet would be to have a chat with Maidenhead Edinburgh and ask if it's on their lists. They order from Neil Hardy Aquatica, so can get some of these fishes, but it is complex. Last time I saw "real deal" for sale was in Maidenhead Coatbridge.

You could try giving North Lakes Aquatics in Penrith a call. It's a four hour round trip, but the fish won't mind...

There are private breeders out there, but there is only one legal live fish courier in the UK and few people will courier fish soon as this weather gets colder.

These fish do come up at catfish auction from time to time too.

Hope that helps,

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Re: Synodontis lucipinnis in Scotland or courier

Post by craigc »

Thanks Richard, mush appreciated. A bit wary of buying online from source I've not had confirmed. When I got my group the guy said he got them from Germany and had syno petricola as well for sale which I thought was a good sign. I got some great F1 syno multipuncs from him at the same time which look like the real deal.
They are slow growers as I anticipated lucippinis would be so really gutted to think they may well be hybrids...
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Re: Synodontis lucipinnis in Scotland or courier

Post by craigc »

Thanks Jools. Was writing the reply to Richard on my phone and rather slowly at that when your reply came in.
Will try out the sources you mention and see how I get on. Will have to try and pass on the hybrids in the meantime and be honest about the fact that they are that. Hybrids really annoy me, especially when the parent fish are so nice.
I guess they don't get known as syno petridish for nothing.
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