How To Reclaim A 2ft

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How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by JamesFish »

This is my oldest tank and was planned to be redone fresh taking a few of the duller fish from my main tank to give it room for some brighter ones and some fresh ones. Then Jack and Jill went crazy making kids while I wasn't looking and even putting into a different tank didn't slow them down. Now its over run with fry and relatively little I can add as its already hard to keep clean.

Overall is still a nice tank but I cant keep a tank full of fry forever so am planning on selling or trading the fry when most are big enough allot are still to small I feel to be sold and stick up for themselves.

Currently have some lava rock soaking to try and create something a little more interesting, fresh slate for a large bulky cave and a larger bit of bog wood but the wood is being problematic for some reason. Live plant was added last week hoping it takes for a nice backing item.

Reclaim plan is to sell some of the fry to people or local fish store if possible so will be posting an add up in 3-4 weeks once they are big enough.
Larger Fry
Larger Fry
Look in the small hollow section
Look in the small hollow section
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Overall Tank shot
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by JamesFish »

Still In Progress But due to shipping off 50 fry so far its had a little more work done on it. Yes I was working very hard with water changes and filter cleans with that many in. Sorry for my poor pictures the slate is all stacked carefully over all makes 3 caves and lots of small holes for them to hide in. Turned it into a slight play pen for them the 3 on probation is due to a slight mark round the mouths but believe they were nudging the tank walls in my smaller tank.
Currently on probation before heading to main tank x3
Currently on probation before heading to main tank x3
fry enjoying the new pebbles
fry enjoying the new pebbles
Overall shot most the tank
Overall shot most the tank
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by JamesFish »

Under gravel unit is on order and a power head so I can lose the big ugly filter in 6-8 weeks time once its confirmed working. Still on hunt for peat plates and gravel tidy.
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by .Plecomania. »

i had the same thing happen in my 40 gal. my BNs bred and i got around 70 fry. i started to sell them off when they were 1.5" or more. its generally a good size.

i have two albinos left in my tank as i wanted to keep and breed these. btw did yours throw any albino plecs? 1/4 of mine were albinos.
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by JamesFish »


I thought I got a few but they coloured up about a week after the rest. Why they took so long I am not sure but overall I got 0 albino's from the pair. To knowledge they must have spawned 3 times as I have over 60 fry and its unlikely all eggs hatched / survived.

Hopefully I will be able to use this tank for a few small spawns of things I need to expand groups of if possible.
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by .Plecomania. »

if you were interested in saving all fry from the spawn, try to collect them from the tank right after or before they hatch into a breeder net. thats what i did and i had almost 100% survival rate for all eggs.

yes i also noticed that some fry will start out looking like they will be albinos but will eventually gain a darker color until they become normal color. albinos just stay without color (or rather a golden yellow).
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by JamesFish »

For anyone interested have fitted the tank with a under gravel to work along side the main filter for now. I used the small plate system and left 1 out to allow for a couple of live plants.

Tank is still over run by Ancistrus with 15-20 in the tank plus a large number of other fish that I am trying to clear out. The filter strapped to the back is being left for a little 18" tank I have coming on the back of Santa's sledge. Currently lit by LED so a little dimmer due to bulb blowing am bidding on a new one but will take time.

Will replant the live plant later that's been knocked up again.
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by .Plecomania. »

you have a variety of fish in there :)
but i thought i saw some Chinese algae eaters. you may not want to keep those permanently. they get vicious.
EDIT: nevermind, i thin kthey are in your QT tank now :)
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by JamesFish »

Yeah a bad purchase on my part they are heading off to a shop or someone who wants them. Looked them up fully when got home. Had a read up got time before they get big enough to be a pain but they are heading out the door this year or next. Planning on a huge revamp, been delayed since my little ancistrus decided to get frisky. Clearing them down and the current contents of the tank 15-20 fry, 2 bronze cory, 2 danios, 2 bloodfins, 1 emp tetra, 1 male ancistrus (puppa), 1 chain loach, 6 guppies, 3 fry to small to tell who they came from. Currently getting 2-3 water changes of 25% and 50% a week. 2 Filters running. Its working hard but nitrates are under control enough.
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by JamesFish »

Still working on reclaiming this from the fry tank even after best part of 4 months its still over run. But here is a little update. Eheim has been pinched for my juwel 125 to backup the juwel one. The old fluval 2 plus has been dusted off and gone in. Undergravel mini plates fitted and power head. Spondge filter is maturing for a 18" coming on santa's slay.

Needless to say most live plant has been eaten and all lava rock removed after a platy got caught. Tank now only houses a couple of guppies, one bronze cory and dad + 15-20 little ancistrus.
Messy pups
Messy pups
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Overall shot
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by .Plecomania. »

they almost look big enough to be sold now! i'd sell them around 1.5" or slightly less.
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by JamesFish »

I finally admit defeat it will forever more be a holding tank for one of my breeding pair of ancistrus & a grow out tank for fry.

To make it interesting for me personally have put 2 small syno's into the tank to grow. Can't hold them forever but get to have a go and experience keeping them.

Powered by an under gravel mini plate system and boyu power head of 320L an hour a little over kill. Uplift tube modified to make it bigger so it could pull through enough water. Backed up by a fluval plus 2.

All but 8 of the previous fry bundle have gone the remaining ones I am hoping when the time comes will be accepting of their little brother and sisters.
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by fairgroundfish »

They look stunning, but please could you tell me what species they are, i was sold one buy pets at home (i know, i know worst place to buy from, but i dont know any breeders near me) anyway they sold it to me stating it was a butterfly pleco, which it clearly isnt, im waiting for him? to stay still long enough to get a photo, but yours look almost identical x
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by JamesFish »


You probably used the search box up right to lookup the clown pleco if you haven't its always handy if you have a rough name.

They are ancsitrus the most common variety and a personal favourite of mine as they suit the smaller tanks I have. Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus is what I think the correct one is to my 2. I could be wrong they are hard to tell apart from others.

They spend another 3 months probably with me before heading off at a reasonable size to shops. If any strip them in growth they will be bundled with some I was planning on growing out.
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Re: How To Reclaim A 2ft

Post by fairgroundfish »

Now i just dont Know… Looking im thinking actually more Bristlenose, but as its lacking bristles im guessing Female, going by the pictures ive seen on here the females Appear not to have any?? just need it to stay still enough to get a photo… im trying to find a new home for my goldfish as i would Like to get some Other Type fish, what i dont Know yet, ive been looking at blue rili sakura shrimp, but that wont be for a While due to cost (can not believe how expensive shrimp are) firstly i need to invest in lots of plants, java moss and the likes.
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