What kind of hypancistrus is my fish ?

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What kind of hypancistrus is my fish ?

Post by Akvarista »


is any body who can help what king of fish is on the pucture ?
I have to opportunity to buy this fishes,but i have doubts in L number providing by vendor.
I does't want to be a specific about L number because i need help from profesional.

In attachment you can find a pictures of fishes.
If you need provide more specific pictures, just tell me and i will provide it.

Thanks a lot for you reply
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Re: What kind of hypancistrus is my fish ?

Post by jac »

These youngsters could be anything from L66, L333, L399, L400 or any other type of scribbled Hypancistrus.
Some times you will never know what species it is. There is a lot of cross breeding with scribbled Hypancistrus...
Your fish will have to grow at least a year before we can start to say anything about them.
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Re: What kind of hypancistrus is my fish ?

Post by Unungy »

Although some of them seems to be small. I've seen this pattern on the L173b Glaser distributes or the none existent L287 that we have seen in the past.

There are couple of things I've noticed:

1. On the first picture the big male seems to be different than the rest of the plecos ( I will not purchase this one or will keep it separately)
2. One of the fishes on the far right hand side, seems to be stub nose. It could be the picture angle but I'm positive it is, a second opinion will be greatly appreciated. Just double check the fish before you purchase them.

I think you came to the right place for some advise, as I am sure there will be other opinions on these fish. I am not an expert, just my .50 cents, I hope it helps.
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Re: What kind of hypancistrus is my fish ?

Post by Akvarista »


Sorry for my late reply
This fishes vendor selling like a L-236, but it was a little bit strange.
Janne also decide that these fishes are L-173

Thanks a lot for your comments

Best Regards
Akvarista :-)
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