Is automatic editing really necessary?

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Is automatic editing really necessary?

Post by JohnnyOscar »

I've just had the system automatically add a single letter to my last post. Why? The meaning of the post has not changed one iota, but now I can't recognise all the words used as my own--I don't speak like that and I don't type like that.

Planet Catfish regulars are just about the most polite and informed people I have had the pleasure of meeting on the internet. I've seen heated debates here that approach fist fights and run the risk of descending into slanging matches, but I've never seen downright, unabashed rudeness, nor have I seen any trolls.

Do we really need to be censored by a computer program? Will all hell break loose if the offending "e" appeared in in the word "pleco", or "ichli" in "cichlid"?

In my case, I can't remember whether I typed "s h i t" or whether I typed "p o o". Either way, I most certainly have never, ever, in my whole life, used the word "poop". So why does a computer program choose that word for me now? How is that any more or less offensive? (I personally, am highly offended by people who feel they have to pussy-foot around the perfectly good four-letter, anglo-saxon words like ****, ****, ****, ****--anything else is just bo***cks...).

Anyway no big deal in this instance, but it does feel like the thin end of the wedge. Is this really the best way to ensure nobody is offended by anything?

I understand the need for some moderation (and the mods here are about the most active and useful I've seen on any forums), but is it really necessary to auto-edit common and non-offensive word as the posts are uploaded?

Sorry if this seems like a rant, but I'm genuinely upset--I'm on the lash after a hard day's night sub-editing a newspaper and I firmly believe that words are important. The words member type on these forums are the words they choose to express themselves. It's pretty insulting to be"corrected" by a computer.

Any thoughts?
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Post by Dinyar »

Yes, the software automatically changes "shi<b></b>t" to "poop" (though as you can see here, you can get around that if you "concentrate really hard while typing").

Personally, I share your distaste for machines telling me how to write, and wish we could do away with this juvenile gimmick. And if we must have automatic software correction, then let's use it to correct the horrifically bad spelling and grammar of many of our members. For example, changing all "it's" to "its" except when "it's" is a contraction of "it is".

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Post by Barbie »

I don't know, I kind of like knowing I don't need to waste my time thoroughly examining every post for words that are going to generate complaints. When I first started moderating at fish forums years ago (suddenly feeling old here), I was amazed at the sheer volume of people that will take their time to complain about anything that isn't well within the range of what THEY see as appropriate. It differs for everyone, and rightly so, just like preferences in the fish they keep.

I personally think the software is for everyone's good. The cichlid and pleco censoring are a joke, and should be seen as such, but regularly aren't. I don't understand why its a difficult thing for people to just smile and deal with, but it definitely does seem to be. I kind of like it, and I keep numerous types of the offending afriggins! :lol:

I'm prejudiced though. I personally love the level of help, understanding, and humor that is a regular part of this place, so maybe I overlook more than other people are comfortable with.

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Post by Jools »

The cichlid / pleco thing is to give the site humour and character. There is history to both of them and I think we have documented that in the FAQ but I could be wrong?

The swearing thing is to annoy people who have not the inclination or vocabulary to say what they have to say without using certain words. If someone is THAT hellbent on using those words, as demonstrated, they can get around it but that doen't mean I won't ban them for using words the majority find offensive.

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Post by Shane »

I think we all see your point and agree that nobody likes to be edited. That said, I agree with the program because we have a fair number number of younger forum members. We probably should not type anything in a post that we would not say if a 10 year old was standing there listening to the conversation. Its not pussy-footing around, it is simply using good manners in a mixed crowd.
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Post by S. Allen »

maybe, but there's the potential to be much more offensive without any of the blocked words than there is with them. That said I've never been on a board that didn't have at least some of the words blocked, I'm not sure how it'd work.
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Post by Cheese Specialist »

Hey Jonny Oscar,

I don't get it myself! I just put a topic up saying something about it. I do understand why swearing is blocked but I don't know about it being replaced by another word. I just think that people should not swear on a community board like this.

Anyway, I just thought I would post a small reply.
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Post by Managuense »

i understand the cichlid editing, and i personally think that it is humorous.

what is the editing of the word "pleco" for?

not a complaint, i just dont get the joke.....

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Post by Cheese Specialist »

Managuense wrote:i understand the c*****d editing, and i personally think that it is humorous.

what is the editing of the word "pl*co" for?

not a complaint, i just dont get the joke.....

It's in the FAQs or soon will be apparently!
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