Site suggestion: habitat photos!

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Site suggestion: habitat photos!

Post by spiny »

Something that would make the fantastic website Planetcatfish even more fantastic, is more habitat photos!
If given a section itself, or included under each species in the cat-elog I dont know, but a picture tells more than 1000 words. When you see Shanes habitat photos, it feels like christmas and new year at the same time! It is so much to learn from such photos, and it gives our hobby another dimension.

If trying to understand the needs of a certain species of fish, or to imitate its natural habitat/care for it successfully, it would help knowing what the natural habitat looks like! Is it a clear mountain stream? Vegetation? Swamp? clear water? etc etc...

Text will never be able to give the same information that a picture can. Woud it be an idea to make something like this?
Bjorn H S

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Post by Jools »

Yes, we will add habitat photos wherever they are available. Even underwater ones if we can!

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habitat photos

Post by spiny »

Hurraaah! That sound perfect! Will this be in the cat-elog, or where?
Bjorn H S

"Oh, uh, this..the moon is in the wrong position!"
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Post by Jools »

Yes, they would be in the appropriate place in the cat-elog. Bear in mind if you look at the captions index you can see all habitat or underwater shots listed together.

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