Pim or mystus

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Doug stone
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Pim or mystus

Post by Doug stone »

Hi everyone, this is my first post so here it goes.
I brought this cat the other day, at first i was pretty sure it was a kind of pim. But now i'm having doubts and think it may be some kind of mystus.
Any help would be great.

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Re: Pim or mystus

Post by Doug stone »

I guess it would be better if i rememeber to put a link up
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Re: Pim or mystus

Post by Dave Rinaldo »

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Re: Pim or mystus

Post by racoll »

I agree with Dave.

For future reference, a bagrid (Asia/Africa) should have nasal barbels, where a pimelodid (South America) does not. See here.
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Re: Pim or mystus

Post by Doug stone »

Thanks for that, like i said i was pretty sure it was a pim but the store owner was telling me it was a mystus which left a doubt in the back of my mind.
I find it funny how many aquatic owners don't seem to have a clue lol.
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Re: Pim or mystus

Post by Birger »

I find it funny how many aquatic owners don't seem to have a clue lol.
The other side is LFS folks deal in all kinds of fish and there are an awful lot of them, it would be difficult to know them all.

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Re: Pim or mystus

Post by Doug stone »

Birger wrote:
I find it funny how many aquatic owners don't seem to have a clue lol.
The other side is LFS folks deal in all kinds of fish and there are an awful lot of them, it would be difficult to know them all.


True, but i tend to double check on forums like this tho......just in case.
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Re: Pim or mystus

Post by Birger »

True, but i tend to double check on forums like this tho......just in case.
A good habit for sure!

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Re: Pim or mystus

Post by racoll »

Birger wrote: The other side is LFS folks deal in all kinds of fish and there are an awful lot of them, it would be difficult to know them all.
Well perhaps if they don't know what kind of animals they are selling, and how to look after them, then perhaps they shouldn't be allowed to sell them!?
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Re: Pim or mystus

Post by MatsP »

racoll wrote:
Birger wrote: The other side is LFS folks deal in all kinds of fish and there are an awful lot of them, it would be difficult to know them all.
Well perhaps if they don't know what kind of animals they are selling, and how to look after them, then perhaps they shouldn't be allowed to sell them!?
To some degree I agree with that. However, there are around 32000 currently known (scientifically described) species of fish. There aren't that many people that know ALL of those. Sure, there aren't 32000 that we see commonly in the trade, because some don't look that great, others are well known to not do well in aquarium, others grow far too large, etc, etc. So should shops only get fish in that they are 100% sure what they are, and how to look after? Difficult one. What if a customer comes in with a fish they don't know what it is (we do get posts saying "I just bought this, what is it?" and if you spend time on Facebook in the groups that deal with this sort of question, you'll see even more of that...) - some people forget what their fish are, or fall foul of the "seller don't know what it is".

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Re: Pim or mystus

Post by Birger »

then perhaps they shouldn't be allowed to sell them!?
And who will regulate this...scary thought!

I think it is up to the buyer to do their proper research (as the OP is doing here) instead of being able to blame the LFS or their regulaters.

Don't get me wrong...I think a fish store should know and care for their products as best they can.To be in the league of stores that are knowledgable in all fish and care proper for each fish leaves a small number of outlets that come to mind(internationally).

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Re: Pim or mystus

Post by Jools »

Mmmm, this debate about LFS versus personal responsibility is a good one. Just so as we don't bung up Doug's post, if anyone else fancies discussing this - why not put a new post in the speakeasy and link it?

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Re: Pim or mystus

Post by racoll »

Jools wrote: if anyone else fancies discussing this - why not put a new post in the speakeasy and link it?
Yes, best to split this thread ...
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Re: Pim or mystus

Post by racoll »

Birger wrote:I think it is up to the buyer to do their proper research (as the OP is doing here) instead of being able to blame the LFS or their regulaters.
Unfortunately most people erroneously believe that the advice they get from their LFS is correct.
MatsP wrote:However, there are around 32000 currently known (scientifically described) species of fish. There aren't that many people that know ALL of those.
Yes, it's obviously unrealistic to expect them to know every fish in the trade to species level, plus know the habitats they come from. My point was really that the level of knowledge should be much, much higher than it is now.
Birger wrote: And who will regulate this
There needs to be a two-tier licensing system for LFSs. Premises trading in wild-caught animals should show a considerably higher level of expertise than those just selling mass produced rubbish from Asian fish farms.

I really do not like seeing shops trading in animals they clearly have no idea about looking after.
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