Insulting catfish

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Doug stone
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Joined: 27 May 2013, 21:59
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Insulting catfish

Post by Doug stone »

Earlier this year i was on a fishing trip in the brazilian rainforest, I caught a couple of tiger shovelnose catfish but this one had a message in its markings for me :-O

Viktor Jarikov
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Re: Insulting catfish

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Nice fish. What's the message? I cannot read anything readily. I see something that resembles the word "ugly"...
Doug stone
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Re: Insulting catfish

Post by Doug stone »

Thanks viktor
Yeah Its just the word "ugly".
Viktor Jarikov
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Re: Insulting catfish

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

How is it insulting? Would it not rather mean that the fish is either admirably humble or suffers from an ill/poor self-image... from reading all those fishy magazines where only the perfect, skinny, air-brushed, and re-touched fish are featured?
Doug stone
Posts: 9
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Re: Insulting catfish

Post by Doug stone »

I doubt a fish this beautiful would have a self image problem, i think it was more aimed towards me lol.
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