Hi Scarlet,
We are currently breeding Sterbai.
Specs for our tank...
50 gallon
natural gravel (small size)
Eheim canister filter
powerhead for water flow (they love it)
Ebo-Jager set at 76 F.
Gh/kh 3 and under
ph 6.4 (comes out of our tap at 7.2, ages lower due to softness)
it was 6.0 yesterday when last checked.
We have them spawn at 7 with no problem also. To trigger the spawning we do a w/c with colder water (70 ish) and let the heater bring it back to 76 F.
We feed Frozen Bloodworms (Hikari sterilized) along with Ocean Nutrition Formula 1 and 2. We also give them on occasion a few pellets. When they start spawning I drop a few sinking pellets to keep the non-spawning ones occupied, so they don't eat the eggs before we can collect them. Keeping them well fed is very important.
To get them started we also had plastic plants in tank, slate for hiding behind. We have since *remodeled* their home and took out plants and just have ornametal rocks for them to play around and hide behind....plants are sometimes hard to find the eggs on. But we wanted to make them feel *at home*
Now as to which these things were necessary for breeding, some or all? Not sure but this is what worked for us
We have them spawning like crazy every 2 to 3 days. It is trying to keep the fry alive now! We have found that a little more challenging. We do have quite a few juvies at the moment, we are just trying to improve on the mortality rate.
I find them a very awesome cory
Good luck! Hope this helps.