Looking for breeding pair corydoras

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Looking for breeding pair corydoras

Post by Andy68 »

Hi im looking for a breeding pair of corydoras , Let me know if you have some to sell please :)

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Interests: Loricarids,Corydoras and relations,Rainbows, Hillstream loaches.

Re: Looking for breeding pair corydoras

Post by donpetty »

Hi Andy,
Welcome to Planet Catfish! After reading your request; I thought I'd make a few statements that might help you in your quest. Please understand that I am in no way speaking at you, but, offering friendly advice.
First, Corydoras are not like a pair of Cichlids that you can buy a mated pair that will protect eggs and fry. If you are interested in breeding Corydoras, I would suggest purchasing a small group of several males and a nice female or two. If you have not bred Corydoras before I would also suggest that you read a bit about them as you won't have great success breeding them in a community aquarium - they will not protect eggs from predation, and fry if they hatch are on their own..
I would suggest a species tank and depending on the type of Corydoras you choose a simple 10 or 20 gallon aquarium should work for your needs.
Here is a link to a PC article that will help you greatly: http://www.planetcatfish.com/shanesworl ... ydoras+101
Further, if you have never bred them before, you may wish to start with "easier" to breed species so you learn the ropes, so to speak. The Corydoras aeneus or paleatus are great fish to start with as they are tolerant to learning and will reward you with large spawns. If you want a bit more adventure, consider Aspidoras as they are super active and also produce nice spawns with easy triggers. I live in the US not the UK, but you are fortunate as many of your country-men and women are the "Cory-pro's" and you should have no problem finding quality fish and expert friendly advice to get you submerged into a fun and fascinating hobby.
Posts: 3
Joined: 11 May 2013, 22:31
Location 2: Hemel Hempstead uk

Re: Looking for breeding pair corydoras

Post by Andy68 »

Thank you for your advice it is much appreciated and i will further research the species you mentioned , Thank you for taking the time to reply :d

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