unheated basement

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unheated basement

Post by siluriphil »


I´m planning to reinstall my Fish-rack in a basement room. This room is not heated but the house is new. I´m not measured the temp. yet. But I assume that the air-temp. will not be colder than 16-18°C. Hopefully.

The plan is to maintain fish from the suptropics so I don´t have to heat the tanks. Maybe I use some pumps to have a little heating effect.

My question is what catfish are suitable for that? I think S.barbatus will work, but I need more input. Maybe some asian catfish?

Any suggestions?

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kim m
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Re: unheated basement

Post by kim m »


Corydoras carlae, C7, lingopinnis, CW22, undulatus, Scleromystax spp. (other than the barbatus you mention), some Ancistrus species and Hisonotus aky etc.

Plenty to choose from, but many are not very easy to get your hands on from commercial sources.
Best regards,
Kim M
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Re: unheated basement

Post by Bas Pels »

precisely - there are plenty, but not common in shops

However, as your low is 16 C, you better get fish from the south of Brasil or the very far north of Uruguay or similar lattitude

Montevideo, Buenos Aires have an average of ~16 C over the whole year. That is, fith from the south of Uruguay face 10 C in winter for a few months, far colder then your basement.

But aspart from south America, there's fish from the south of the USA, South Africa, Korea which all will fit - and more
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Re: unheated basement

Post by siluriphil »

Thank you very much that´s help a lot!
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