very first ancistrus spawning.

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Location 2: Indonesia very first ancistrus spawning.

Post by zantar_blues »

This morning I notice my ghost shrimp eat 5 eggs of ancistrus and I manage to save the eggs. I put 4 ghost shrimps in bristlenose tank for cleaning service, bad idea.... Then I search the other eggs, I find them and move them to small aquarium along with the male parent.
How do you know the eggs have been fertilized or not? will the male eat the eggs? Is there any special care for the eggs hatch? How long will they hatch?
Please let me know because this is my very first ancistrus spawns. Thanks
the other eggs. Hopefully I can hatch them
the other eggs. Hopefully I can hatch them
5 eggs I manage to save. I think 1 of them is hollow.
5 eggs I manage to save. I think 1 of them is hollow.
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Re: very first ancistrus spawning.

Post by MatsP »

It's hard to say, but I think the eggs are fertilized. They turn cloudy if they are not. I've always found that I get the best results when leaving the eggs with the parents. Just make sure there are no predators in the tank (and perhaps find a place for the male to lay eggs where they don't get lost - a proper cave that is closed at one end would do the trick).

You will need to put an airstone in with the eggs on their own, to ensure the water circulates around the eggs.

Good luck.

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Re: very first ancistrus spawning.

Post by zantar_blues »

Thanks For the info, MatsP.
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Re: very first ancistrus spawning.

Post by Are06n »

Hi, the fry will take 5 to 6 days to hatch, the air stone trick will work. But if you can catch the male that was guarding the eggs and put him back with the eggs he will fan them. Once the eggs hatch the fry will stay in there hiding spot till the yolk sacks are gone, yellow eggs = fertile, pale white = infertile.

Best of luck
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