Chicago Plecos and Corys - Pickup Only

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Chicago Plecos and Corys - Pickup Only

Post by technogeek »

My wife and I are moving across the country and are unable to take our fish tanks with us. We have the following tanks and catfish for sale. We are in the Western Chicago burbs and can only do pickup only.

55 Gallon, metal stand, lights, gravel, driftwood, filters, heater 300
40 Gallon, metal stand, lights, gravel, driftwood, filters, heater 150
20 Gallon, lights, gravel, driftwood, filters, heater 75
29 Gallon, metal stand, lights, gravel, driftwood, filters, heater 100
15 Gallon, lights, gravel, driftwood, filters, heater 40
10 Gallon, gravel, filter, heater 20
10 Gallon Tetra, gravel, filter, driftwood, heater 25
5 Gallon #1, lid, sponge filter, light 15
5 Gallon #2, lid, sponge filter 15
Betta Hex #1 with Betta fish, gravel, filter, light 25
Betta Hex #2 with Betta fish, gravel, filter, light 25

3 Emerald Corys 6 for all
6 Peppered Corys 12 for all
1 Albino Bristlenose Pleco - Female 8
2 Bristlenose Plecos - Male 6 each
1 Bristlenose Pleco - Female 6
2 Super Red Bristlenose Plecos - Male 15 each
3 Super Red Bristlenose Plecos - Female 15 each
1 Rubbernose Pleco 7
1 Clown Pleco 8
1 Leapard Frog Pleco 30

Feel free to ask questions. I can send pics on request.
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Re: Chicago Plecos and Corys - Pickup Only

Post by donnievie »

Hello! I live in the area and might be interested in some of your plecos and/or tank set-ups. Would you feel comfortable giving out your e-mail address so we can get a dialogue going? Thank you!
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Location 2: Chicago, IL

Re: Chicago Plecos and Corys - Pickup Only

Post by technogeek »

donnievie wrote:Hello! I live in the area and might be interested in some of your plecos and/or tank set-ups. Would you feel comfortable giving out your e-mail address so we can get a dialogue going? Thank you!
Please click on my name and view my profile for my email address. Otherwise, you can always DM me as well.

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