NEED HELP -- Panda Cory has ammonia poisoning.

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NEED HELP -- Panda Cory has ammonia poisoning.

Post by Aquagirl »

One of my panda corys look like it has ammonia poisoning. :cry: It's alive, but is just lying still at the bottom of the tank. Even if it does move, it's usually just rushing up to the surface then back down again. I have another panda cory that looks alright, i.e. actively swimming. I have neon tetras that look fine also.

The affected panda cory looks like it may have been quite sensitive from the time I got it from the LFS, since he was pretty lethargic at the time already. Anyways, I've done a water change 3 days ago (about 3 days after I added the 2 corys), and actually skipped feeding for 2.5days after the water change.

Is there anything I can do at this point to try to alleviate the problem? Should I quarantine the cory? Should I change the water again?

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Post by S. Allen »

well, is there currently ammonia or nitrite in the water? if so then yeah, do a water change, I doubt it'd hurt to do one anyway.

Maybe an extra airstone or a bubble wand.
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Post by michelle56 »

Good idea! I have a bubbling clam and a bubble airstone.
SOme kinds of Cordoras spp. go up to get oxygen from the surface---ha they're little smarties.
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Post by Coryman »

I would make daily water changes of at least 25% for a week and leave the C. panda where it is, a move can be more stressful to the fish than the initial problem.

Reducing the amount of food will also help as will the addition of a carbon filled box filter.

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