I recently acquired a group of P. tigris and have noticed white patches on some of their fins. Attached is an image of the problem. Can anyone identify this ailment? Any suggestions for medication and prognosis? I am quite worried and any help would greatly be appreciated!
I have treated the water with a combination of the antibiotics Kanamycin and Furan 2. I lowered the water temperature from 28 c to 26 c. The condition in now slightly worse (the white patches have grown) and has spread to two more fish. pH is around 6, KH ~2 dH, ~ 0 nitrogenous waste. I am feeding them strictly veggie wafers. The growths are primarily on the fishes fins but I have noticed one with a white patch on his body. The growth is fuzzy white and looks similar to a Columnaris infection. I am considering clipping off infected areas with nail clippers. No losses yet (fingers crossed). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.