Multi-Syno Tank

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Multi-Syno Tank

Post by theviper06 »

Just curious is anyone else out there has keep different species of synodontis in the same tank? Or am I one of the few crazy enough to try it.. and succeed I must say! LOL Anyone with experience let me know so I will look to add more to my collection if I don't already have one.

BTW Before the comments start, I know lots of people on here don't like the synodontis hybrids and I have a few of them and I love those little guys just as much as the rest, so don't comment negative stuff about them please!

I currently have 3 tanks all with multiple synodontis in each of them.

Tank 1) 2 Synodontis sp. hybrid(4), 1 Synodontis Decora, 2 Platydoras Armatulus, and 1 Agamyxis Pectinifrons

Tank 2) 1 Synodontis Euptera, 2 Synodontis Flavitaeniata, 1 Synodontis Multipunctata, 2 Synodontis Petricola, 1 Synodontis sp. hybrid(8), and 1 Synodontis sp. hybrid(5)

Tank 3) 1 Synodontis sp. hybrid(4), 1 Synodontis sp. hybrid(9), 1 Panaqolus Maccus, and 2 Bunocephalus Coracoideus
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Re: Multi-Syno Tank

Post by linuxrulesusa »

Tank and fish sizes would be helpful in assessing both why it is working and whether it will continue to work.

Personally I have only kept one synodontis species per tank, but I have previously kept some of your other species together, e.g. clown plecos, spotted raphaels, striped raphaels, and banjo cats.
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Re: Multi-Syno Tank

Post by Richard B »

in addition to the previous response youve had...

Tank 1 - i see no problems.

Tank 3 - i'd have a small concern over the bajo being out-competed for food.

Tank 2 - the multi & petricola ideally need a very low nitrate, hard alkaline water rocky set up. The Flavi is a touch delicate compared to the Euptera & Hybrids. The flavi, petricola (or are they lucipinnis?) & multis (or grandiops?) all refer to be in species groups.
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Re: Multi-Syno Tank

Post by TheCichlidKid15 »

Love my synodontis, have a bunch, spread out all over my fish room.

1.) 150 gallon show tank - 10 WC Syno Multies (have spawned 3 x's for me), 2 Syno Brichardi, 2 Syno Angelicus, 1 Syno Pardalis

2.) 92 gallon corner show tank - 1 Syno Granulosus, 1 Syno Pardalis

Never had a problem with any of them getting along at all, had to move a smaller Syno Pardalis from one of my tanks because a nasty Male Victorian was biting his fins off and I was afraid he was going to die because of it.
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Re: Multi-Syno Tank

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

If you see a syno(s) in the pic - they are all from the same tank 120 gal, at least a dozen different kinds: ... t=+120+gal
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Re: Multi-Syno Tank

Post by theviper06 »

Tank 1) 55 Gallon 2 Synodontis sp. hybrid(4) ~6in , 1 Synodontis Decora ~7in , 2 Platydoras Armatulus ~5in , and 1 Agamyxis Pectinifrons ~4in

Tank 2) 40 Gallon Breeder 1 Synodontis Euptera ~3in , 2 Synodontis Flavitaeniata ~3in , 1 Synodontis Multipunctata ~3in , 2 Synodontis Petricola ~4in , 1 Synodontis sp. hybrid(8) ~5in , and 1 Synodontis sp. hybrid(5) ~4in

Tank 3) 20 Gallon Long 1 Synodontis sp. hybrid(4) ~3in , 1 Synodontis sp. hybrid(9) ~3in , 1 Panaqolus Maccus ~3in , and 2 Bunocephalus Coracoideus ~5in

After checking last night by comparing picture of my cats, i'm sure the 2 petricola's are actual petricola's, but the multi may end up being a Lucipinnis
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Re: Multi-Syno Tank

Post by Richard B »

If you want definitive confirmation that your multi is a multi or grandiops, & the petricola are petricola a side shot photo will allow us to be certain.
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Re: Multi-Syno Tank

Post by Birger »

I keep a number of tanks with multiple combinations of groups of different species, have to really think about differing aggressive tendacies, sizing them together correctly and water requirements.

And being ready to juggle if a problem does show itself.

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