LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

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LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by Littleg902 »

I posted this on MFK but figured this would be the place to get info. Can anyone tell me where the main collection point of most L273 and LDA 105 are and the coinciding habitat(ex. water depth caught, river bed type, season, etc.). I'm having trouble finding any info on this. I heard they are both deep water plecos, but that's about it.
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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by Littleg902 »

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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by MatsP »

As far as I can tell, LDA105 is from "unknown place" - L273 is from Rio Tapajos, but that's a big river.

Unfortunately fishermen that catch valuable fish, and compared to most tropical fish, most Pseudacanthicus are valuable - I expect the fishermen get at least $10 per fish, compared to a handful of dollars for 1000 fish when it comes to corys for example - aren't well known for detailing exactly WHERE they catch the fish. Which makes understanding more about the fish hard.

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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by Jools »

As Mats says, it's not really known. But fishermen get at least $10 per Pseudacanthicus? That a lot more than in my experience.

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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by Acanthicus »

Hi guys,

apparently LDA 105 is from Rio Jamanxim.
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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by Jools »

Didn't know that Daniel, where did that info come from? A good source?

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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by HaakonH »

We got that info from a Brazilian scientist who's quite dedicated to the genus, so it's likely to be correct :)

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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by MatsP »

Jools wrote:As Mats says, it's not really known. But fishermen get at least $10 per Pseudacanthicus? That a lot more than in my experience.

Scobinancistrus aureatus are $2.50 each (at decent size). These cost about 3x more than S. aureatus of similar size. Price difference comes from export price difference, as shipping doesn't "care" what's in the box, just what the weight is. I'm just surmising of course, I've not met a fisherman that catches these particular fish. Either way, my point is that they are rather unusual fish that are more valuable than "common fish", so the fishermen may not be forthcoming with information about exactly where they come from.

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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by Jools »

HaakonH wrote:We got that info from a Brazilian scientist who's quite dedicated to the genus, so it's likely to be correct :)
I had hoped it would be something like that. I think that data is good enough to go in the cat-eLog, thanks for clarifying.

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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by MatsP »

I've updated the data sheet of LDA105.

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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by Littleg902 »

Very interesting. Thanks for the responses.
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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by dconnors »

Does anyone how deep the Jamanxim gets? The reason I ask is I was told they come from very deep water. How many people are trying to breed the LDA105?
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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by HaakonH »

I can try asking around and see what I find out about the river.

At the moment I don't think there are many breeding attepts for LDA105. The price is simply too high. Most of them end up in Asia, so maybe someone is trying there? I'm working on a plot to get it done though, with some help from my partners in crime ;)

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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by OlePaulsen »

I know at least one person that try know in europe. Would be great with success! ^:)^
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Re: LDA 105 and L273 collection habitats

Post by Littleg902 »

On unungy's site it is stated that the fisherman command high prices for single fish as only a few are caught because they dwell in deep water, and are very hard to target. I'm not sure which river the batch was harvested from, though.
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